Metadata of all sequenced isolates
A tidy data frame with 676 rows and 12 variables:
Sample NCBI accession number
Unique sample-sequencing run ID
Unique sample id
Unique participant identifier
Arm of study 1=sepsis, 2=inpatient, no abx, 3=community
Study visit: 0 = baseline, 1 = d7, 2 = d28, 3 = d90, 4 = d180
Date of sample collection
Date of patient enrolment to study
Number of days post-enrolment that sample was collected
Is sample community. hospital associated, or recent dc (see manuscript for details)
Date of discharge from hospital. NA = never admittted
PopPUNK cluster assignment. Prefix K = K. pneumo, E = E. coli
Number of contigs in assembly
N50 of assembly
E. coli phylogroup from in silico PCR
E. coli pathogroup (see manuscript for details)
Isolate species either from API (E. coli) or Kleborate
K. pnemo complex inferred K locus from Kleborate
Kleborate defined K locus confidence
K. pnemo complex inferred O locus from Kleborate
Kleborate defined O locus confidence
Klebsiella YbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella CbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella AbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella SmST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella rmpA allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella rmpA2 allele as per Kleborate