
This document contains reproducing analysis code which generates the tables and figures for the manuscript:

Genomic analysis of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli colonising adults in Blantyre, Malawi reveals previously undescribed diversity

Joseph M Lewis1,2,3,4, , Madalitso Mphasa1, Rachel Banda1, Matthew Beale4, Jane Mallewa5, Catherine Anscombe1,2, Allan Zuza1, Adam P Roberts2, Eva Heinz*2, Nicholas Thomson*4,6, Nicholas A Feasey*1,2

  1. Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Research Programme, Blantyre, Malawi
  2. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK
  3. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
  4. Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK
  5. Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, Malawi
  6. London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, UK
  • = contributed equally

#> If you use the ggtree package suite in published research,
#> please cite the appropriate paper(s):
#> LG Wang, TTY Lam, S Xu, Z Dai, L Zhou, T Feng, P Guo, CW Dunn, BR
#> Jones, T Bradley, H Zhu, Y Guan, Y Jiang, G Yu. treeio: an R package
#> for phylogenetic tree input and output with richly annotated and
#> associated data. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2020, 37(2):599-603.
#> doi: 10.1093/molbev/msz240
#> Guangchuang Yu.  Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of
#> Phylogenetic Trees (1st edition). Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2022,
#> doi:10.1201/9781003279242 
#> Attaching package: 'tidytree'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
#> ggtree v3.9.1 For help:
#> If you use the ggtree package suite in published research, please cite
#> the appropriate paper(s):
#> Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam.
#> ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic
#> trees with their covariates and other associated data. Methods in
#> Ecology and Evolution. 2017, 8(1):28-36. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628
#> G Yu. Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic
#> Trees (1st ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2022. ISBN: 9781032233574
#> Guangchuang Yu.  Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of
#> Phylogenetic Trees (1st edition). Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2022,
#> doi:10.1201/9781003279242 
#> Attaching package: 'ape'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
#>     rotate
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:tidytree':
#>     drop.tip, keep.tip
#> Loading required package: maps
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
#>     where
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'tidyr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
#>     expand
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     date, intersect, setdiff, union
#> Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     group_rows
#> here() starts at /Users/joelewis/R/packages/blantyreESBL
#> Attaching package: 'scales'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
#>     col_factor
#> The following object is masked from 'package:phytools':
#>     rescale
#> Attaching package: 'ggstance'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:ggplot2':
#>     geom_errorbarh, GeomErrorbarh
#> Loading required package: viridisLite
#> Attaching package: 'viridis'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:scales':
#>     viridis_pal
#> The following object is masked from 'package:maps':
#>     unemp

write_figs <- FALSE

if (write_figs) {
  if (!dir.exists(here("figures"))) {dir.create(here("figures"))}
  if (!dir.exists(here("tables"))) {dir.create(here("tables"))}
    if (!dir.exists(here("figures/ecoli-genomics"))) {
  if (!dir.exists(here("tables/ecoli-genomics"))) {

Assembly stats and accession numbers

btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
  mutate(date_of_collection = data_date) %>% 
         N50) %>%
  kbl(caption =
        "Accession numbers and assembly statistics for included samples"
      ) %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = FALSE)
Accession numbers and assembly statistics for included samples
accession lane supplier_name pid date_of_collection N50
ERR3425924 26141_1_134 CAB153 DAS10020 2017-09-13 90677
ERR3425925 26141_1_135 CAC127 DAS10020 2017-09-20 91797
ERR3425926 26141_1_136 CAD13R DAS10020 2017-10-12 90587
ERR3425927 26141_1_137 CAE12N DAS10020 2017-12-13 214462
ERR3425928 26141_1_138 CAI10E DAS1005V 2017-10-10 132088
ERR3425929 26141_1_139 CAJ10A DAS1005V 2017-12-12 207354
ERR3425930 26141_1_140 CAD13P DAS1006T 2017-10-09 106469
ERR3425931 26141_1_141 CAI10F DAS10100 2017-10-17 147795
ERR3425932 26141_1_142 CAB14X DAS1014T 2017-09-07 179790
ERR3425933 26141_1_143 CAC11I DAS1014T 2017-09-14 190526
ERR3425934 26141_1_144 CAD137 DAS1014T 2017-10-06 186956
ERR3425935 26141_1_145 CAE12R DAS1014T 2017-12-18 91797
ERR3425936 26141_1_146 CAL10S DAS1016P 2017-09-27 132400
ERR3425937 26141_1_147 CAM10R DAS1016P 2017-11-08 126233
ERR3425938 26141_1_148 CAM10K DAS1019J 2017-10-05 96590
ERR3425939 26141_1_149 CAC126 DAS1020X 2017-09-12 71986
ERR3425940 26141_1_150 CAB13C DAS1024P 2017-09-01 212649
ERR3425941 26141_1_151 CAC124 DAS1024P 2017-09-07 222532
ERR3425942 26141_1_152 CAD13N DAS1024P 2017-09-28 241104
ERR3425943 26141_1_153 CAE12K DAS1024P 2017-12-01 207364
ERR3425944 26141_1_154 CAC122 DAS1028H 2017-09-05 183579
ERR3425945 26141_1_155 CAE12H DAS1028H 2017-11-28 95953
ERR3425946 26141_1_156 CAB139 DAS1029F 2017-08-29 227316
ERR3425947 26141_1_157 CAC123 DAS1029F 2017-09-06 191270
ERR3425948 26141_1_158 CAD134 DAS1029F 2017-09-27 173030
ERR3425949 26141_1_159 CAE12L DAS1029F 2017-12-06 97192
ERR3425950 26141_1_160 CAD13K DAS1034L 2017-09-21 233352
ERR3425951 26141_1_161 CAE12F DAS1035J 2017-11-22 97056
ERR3425952 26141_1_162 CAC11X DAS1042L 2017-08-24 126528
ERR3425954 26141_1_164 CAB13L DAS1047B 2017-08-14 91797
ERR3425955 26141_1_165 CAC11F DAS1047B 2017-08-21 91797
ERR3425956 26141_1_166 CAD13J DAS10489 2017-09-18 165340
ERR3425958 26141_1_168 CAM10H DAS1053F 2017-09-15 233363
ERR3425959 26141_1_169 CAB13I DAS1055B 2017-08-09 97260
ERR3425960 26141_1_170 CAD12Z DAS1055B 2017-09-01 173896
ERR3425961 26141_1_171 CAC11W DAS10593 2017-08-10 191259
ERR3425962 26141_1_172 CAC11C DAS1060H 2017-08-08 222887
ERR3425963 26141_1_173 CAD115 DAS1060H 2017-08-30 222890
ERR3425964 26141_1_174 CAE110 DAS1060H 2017-11-01 239980
ERR3425965 26141_1_175 CAC119 DAS10649 2017-08-07 404954
ERR3425966 26141_1_176 CAE10Z DAS10649 2017-10-30 118863
ERR3425967 26141_1_177 CAB12F DAS10657 2017-07-24 249398
ERR3425968 26141_1_178 CAC11D DAS10657 2017-08-11 97316
ERR3425969 26141_1_179 CAD113 DAS10657 2017-08-28 133224
ERR3425970 26141_1_180 CAE116 DAS10657 2017-11-16 225549
ERR3425971 26141_1_181 CAH108 DAS10673 2017-07-28 204492
ERR3425972 26141_1_182 CAI107 DAS10673 2017-08-18 133224
ERR3425973 26141_1_183 CAJ105 DAS10673 2017-10-24 126601
ERR3425974 26141_1_184 CAG10D DAS1069X 2017-07-20 154938
ERR3425976 26141_1_186 CAB12D DAS1070D 2017-07-19 192844
ERR3425977 26141_1_187 CAC116 DAS10753 2017-07-20 132069
ERR3425979 26141_1_189 CAC117 DAS1077X 2017-07-24 210236
ERR3425980 26141_1_190 CAD10X DAS1077X 2017-08-14 201425
ERR3425981 26141_1_191 CAJ102 DAS1079W 2017-09-26 156945
ERR3425982 26141_1_192 CAG106 DAS10841 2017-06-28 99469
ERR3425983 26141_1_193 CAH103 DAS10841 2017-07-05 99469
ERR3425984 26141_1_194 CAI109 DAS10841 2017-08-28 233352
ERR3425985 26141_1_195 CAJ109 DAS10841 2017-12-06 106468
ERR3425986 26141_1_196 CAM107 DAS1087W 2017-07-13 209178
ERR3425987 26141_1_197 CAM10B DAS1088U 2017-08-11 233352
ERR3425988 26141_1_198 CAB11F DAS10905 2017-06-13 221680
ERR3425989 26141_1_199 CAC10Y DAS10905 2017-06-20 211377
ERR3425990 26141_1_200 CAE10Q DAS10905 2017-09-26 211370
ERR3425991 26141_1_201 CAC110 DAS10913 2017-06-28 204336
ERR3425992 26141_1_202 CAD10T DAS10913 2017-07-18 248198
ERR3425993 26141_1_203 CAE10N DAS10913 2017-09-20 106481
ERR3425994 26141_1_204 CAG10A DAS10921 2017-07-06 91797
ERR3425995 26141_1_205 CAI104 DAS10921 2017-08-04 91797
ERR3425996 26141_1_206 CAB11K DAS1093X 2017-06-29 206614
ERR3425997 26141_1_207 CAE10T DAS1093X 2017-10-06 131790
ERR3425998 26141_1_208 CAF10N DAS1093X 2017-12-22 82303
ERR3425999 26141_1_209 CAC111 DAS1096U 2017-06-29 241155
ERR3426000 26141_1_210 CAE10P DAS1096U 2017-09-22 201442
ERR3426001 26141_1_211 CAF10J DAS1096U 2017-12-04 214462
ERR3426002 26141_1_212 CAL108 DAS1098Q 2017-06-19 91797
ERR3426003 26141_1_213 CAM108 DAS1098Q 2017-07-17 147807
ERR3426004 26141_1_214 CAE10V DAS1100X 2017-10-18 99443
ERR3426005 26141_1_215 CAC10V DAS1107J 2017-06-05 407409
ERR3426007 26141_1_217 CAF10G DAS1107J 2017-11-17 209764
ERR3426008 26141_1_218 CAC10X DAS1111R 2017-06-20 129521
ERR3426009 26141_1_219 CAD10M DAS1111R 2017-07-04 210234
ERR3426010 26141_1_220 CAF10K DAS1111R 2017-12-06 73328
ERR3426011 26141_1_221 CAG104 DAS1113N 2017-06-09 97252
ERR3426012 26141_1_222 CAH101 DAS1113N 2017-06-16 101609
ERR3426013 26141_1_223 CAI101 DAS1113N 2017-07-11 101512
ERR3426014 26141_1_224 CAC10Z DAS1116H 2017-06-27 179783
ERR3426015 26141_1_225 CAD10Q DAS1116H 2017-07-17 132553
ERR3426016 26141_1_226 CAE10S DAS1116H 2017-09-27 97068
ERR3426017 26141_1_227 CAB11R DAS1125F 2017-05-03 213110
ERR3426018 26141_1_228 CAC10R DAS1125F 2017-05-09 212649
ERR3426019 26141_1_229 CAE10K DAS1125F 2017-08-24 132500
ERR3426020 26141_1_230 CAF10E DAS1125F 2017-11-17 185271
ERR3426022 26141_1_232 CAC10Q DAS1126D 2017-05-09 210215
ERR3426026 26141_1_236 CAC10S DAS11289 2017-05-09 126680
ERR3426027 26141_1_237 CAL101 DAS1130L 2017-04-24 209880
ERR3426029 26141_1_239 CAM100 DAS1133F 2017-05-18 170302
ERR3426030 26141_1_240 CAD110 DAS11369 2017-08-17 148760
ERR3426031 26141_1_241 CAE10W DAS11369 2017-10-18 473927
ERR3426032 26141_1_242 CAI100 DAS11377 2017-07-06 92256
ERR3426033 26141_1_243 CAB117 DAS1140H 2017-04-04 262741
ERR3426034 26141_1_244 CAC10H DAS1140H 2017-04-13 147249
ERR3426036 26141_1_246 CAE10A DAS1140H 2017-07-06 262816
ERR3426037 26141_1_247 CAF109 DAS1140H 2017-10-02 131396
ERR3426038 26141_1_248 CAE10D DAS11457 2017-07-17 90919
ERR3426040 26141_1_250 CAB10P DAS1149X 2017-03-16 133214
ERR3426041 26141_1_251 CAC10A DAS1149X 2017-03-23 133235
ERR3426042 26141_1_252 CAD109 DAS1149X 2017-04-13 127999
ERR3426043 26141_1_253 CAF105 DAS1149X 2017-09-15 382592
ERR3426044 26141_1_254 CAC10E DAS1150D 2017-04-07 106493
ERR3426045 26141_1_255 CAC10D DAS1151B 2017-04-05 191526
ERR3426046 26141_1_256 CAD10B DAS1151B 2017-04-26 90676
ERR3426047 26141_1_257 CAF108 DAS1151B 2017-09-26 213079
ERR3426048 26141_1_258 CAC10J DAS11537 2017-04-18 191261
ERR3426049 26141_1_259 CAD10H DAS11537 2017-05-17 109958
ERR3426050 26141_1_260 CAE10C DAS11537 2017-07-14 129521
ERR3426051 26141_1_261 CAF10A DAS11537 2017-10-17 473929
ERR3426052 26141_1_262 CAB10K DAS11545 2017-03-09 105902
ERR3426053 26141_1_263 CAC107 DAS11545 2017-03-16 205574
ERR3426055 26141_1_265 CAE105 DAS11545 2017-06-06 198302
ERR3426056 26141_1_266 CAF103 DAS11545 2017-09-06 433075
ERR3426057 26141_1_267 CAC109 DAS1158Y 2017-03-22 199812
ERR3426058 26141_1_268 CAD108 DAS1158Y 2017-04-12 210226
ERR3426060 26141_1_270 CAC103 DAS11609 2017-03-02 147250
ERR3426061 26141_1_271 CAD104 DAS11609 2017-03-23 233529
ERR3426062 26141_1_272 CAF102 DAS11609 2017-09-01 122942
ERR3426063 26141_1_273 CAC102 DAS11633 2017-03-01 101368
ERR3426064 26141_1_274 CAD105 DAS11641 2017-03-29 89604
ERR3426065 26141_1_275 CAC104 DAS1165X 2017-03-02 473927
ERR3426066 26141_1_276 CAD103 DAS1165X 2017-03-23 175481
ERR3426067 26141_1_277 CAB10W DAS1166Y 2017-02-19 220679
ERR3426068 26141_1_278 CAC100 DAS1166Y 2017-02-28 188970
ERR3426069 26141_1_279 CAD101 DAS1166Y 2017-03-21 204840
ERR3426070 26141_1_280 CAF107 DAS1166Y 2017-09-25 204837
ERR3426072 26141_1_282 CAE104 DAS1168U 2017-06-02 473927
ERR3426073 26141_1_283 CAE10J DAS1168U 2017-08-21 175729
ERR3168700 26141_1_284 CAC146 DAS1191W 2018-03-26 168747
ERR3426074 26141_1_285 CAC12C DAS1366I 2017-10-13 191259
ERR3426075 26141_1_286 CAE117 DAS1366I 2018-01-09 156646
ERR3426076 26141_1_287 CAL117 DAS1373K 2017-11-30 209009
ERR3426077 26141_1_288 CAL118 DAS1374I 2017-11-30 132120
ERR3426078 26141_1_289 CAL10X DAS1375G 2017-12-06 157648
ERR3426079 26141_1_290 CAL10Y DAS1376E 2017-12-07 140045
ERR3426080 26141_1_291 CAB159 DAS14009 2017-09-26 87675
ERR3426081 26141_1_292 CAC12A DAS14009 2017-10-11 209968
ERR3426082 26141_1_293 CAM10P DAS1416U 2017-11-07 241224
ERR3426084 26141_1_295 CAD117 DAS10905 2017-07-11 135820
ERR3426085 26141_1_296 CAD10R DAS1096U 2017-07-17 126561
ERR3426086 26141_1_297 CAC105 DAS11641 2017-03-09 132462
ERR3426087 26141_1_298 CAD10A DAS1150D 2017-04-18 133170
ERR3426088 26141_1_299 CAC11J DAS1006T 2017-09-18 138384
ERR3865252 28099_1_1 CAB161 DAS1333X 2017-11-06 323179
ERR3865253 28099_1_2 CAB16W DAS1229X 2018-02-08 153887
ERR3865255 28099_1_7 CEF191 NA NA 241397
ERR3865256 28099_1_10 CAB15Z DAS1336U 2017-10-31 176368
ERR3865257 28099_1_11 CAL11J DAS1466A 2018-05-10 322163
ERR3865258 28099_1_14 CAB15Y DAS1337S 2017-10-30 185777
ERR3865259 28099_1_18 CAB15M DAS1354Q 2017-10-18 175014
ERR3865260 28099_1_19 CAL11H DAS1452M 2018-05-03 224034
ERR3865261 28099_1_22 CAB15H DAS1360U 2017-10-11 222715
ERR3865262 28099_1_23 CAF11K DAS1329S 2018-05-07 184658
ERR3865263 28099_1_26 CAC11R DAS1337S 2017-11-06 273878
ERR3865264 28099_1_27 CAF11J DAS1335W 2018-05-04 266152
ERR3865265 28099_1_30 CAC11Q DAS1351W 2017-10-26 266456
ERR3865266 28099_1_31 CAE133 DAS12265 2018-05-10 72478
ERR3865267 28099_1_34 CAC11P DAS1354Q 2017-10-25 242407
ERR3865268 28099_1_35 CAE131 DAS1229X 2018-05-08 131797
ERR3865269 28099_1_38 CAC11N DAS1360U 2017-10-18 205700
ERR3865270 28099_1_39 CAD11X DAS1434Q 2018-05-07 122722
ERR3865271 28099_1_41 CAC13I DAS12505 2018-02-02 106524
ERR3865272 28099_1_42 CAC11K DAS1008P 2017-09-18 119272
ERR3865273 28099_1_43 CAC14L DAS1462I 2018-05-10 279711
ERR3865275 28099_1_46 CAC11H DAS1032P 2017-09-01 126700
ERR3865276 28099_1_47 CAB19C DAS1470I 2018-05-10 129746
ERR3865277 28099_1_49 CAD10N DAS1108H 2017-07-10 191261
ERR3865278 28099_1_50 CAC11G DAS10489 2017-08-29 160330
ERR3865279 28099_1_51 CAB18F DAS1465C 2018-05-08 216551
ERR3865280 28099_1_53 CAD13V DAS1362Q 2017-11-07 149622
ERR3865281 28099_1_54 CAB15B DAS13886 2017-10-02 109471
ERR3865282 28099_1_55 CAB18D DAS1462I 2018-05-03 432064
ERR3865283 28099_1_57 CAD120 DAS11705 2018-05-17 204535
ERR3865284 28099_1_58 CAB15A DAS13990 2017-09-26 131424
ERR3865285 28099_1_59 CAB18C DAS1461K 2018-05-02 210215
ERR3865286 28099_1_61 CAH10J DAS1393C 2017-10-10 93840
ERR3865287 28099_1_62 CAB158 DAS14017 2017-09-26 81522
ERR3865288 28099_1_63 CAJ10S DAS1326Y 2018-04-30 208627
ERR3865289 28099_1_65 CAI10H DAS14105 2017-11-01 227302
ERR3865290 28099_1_66 CAB157 DAS1405X 2017-09-22 99645
ERR3865292 28099_1_69 CAJ10D DAS1393C 2018-01-12 128560
ERR3865293 28099_1_70 CAB14Y DAS1013V 2017-09-07 238350
ERR3865294 28099_1_71 CAD11V DAS11721 2018-04-30 117595
ERR3865295 28099_1_73 CAB15S DAS13129 2017-11-21 185538
ERR3865296 28099_1_74 CAB138 DAS1032P 2017-08-25 81545
ERR3865297 28099_1_75 CAD11U DAS11713 2018-04-30 100475
ERR3865298 28099_1_77 CAC13H DAS1256U 2018-02-02 105952
ERR3865299 28099_1_78 CAB12E DAS10681 2017-07-20 106537
ERR3865300 28099_1_79 CAI113 DAS1355O 2018-04-27 241155
ERR3865301 28099_1_81 CAC132 DAS13241 2017-11-20 104030
ERR3865302 28099_1_82 CAB11X DAS1110T 2017-06-05 236044
ERR3865303 28099_1_83 CAE12Z DAS1262Y 2018-04-25 377641
ERR3865304 28099_1_85 CAD10H DAS11537 2017-05-17 259832
ERR3865305 28099_1_86 CAB11P DAS1078Y 2017-07-14 116506
ERR3865306 28099_1_87 CAF11H DAS1347O 2018-04-25 266925
ERR3865307 28099_1_89 CAD141 DAS13225 2017-12-12 234679
ERR3865308 28099_1_90 CAC10X DAS1111R 2017-06-20 38078
ERR3865309 28099_1_91 CAD12P DAS1193S 2018-04-26 222803
ERR3865310 28099_1_93 CAG11T DAS1355O 2017-10-18 89389
ERR3865311 28099_1_94 CAC11A DAS10681 2017-08-07 82742
ERR3865312 28099_1_95 CAD12M DAS1221F 2018-04-25 193006
ERR3865313 28099_1_98 CAH10I DAS14105 2017-09-27 207181
ERR3865314 28099_1_99 CAC114 DAS10809 2017-07-14 245970
ERR3865315 28099_1_100 CAD12L DAS12441 2018-04-25 87426
ERR3865316 28099_1_102 CAI10H DAS14105 2017-11-01 152155
ERR3865317 28099_1_103 CAC10W DAS1108H 2017-06-19 196861
ERR3865318 28099_1_104 CAD12K DAS1169S 2018-04-25 349120
ERR3865319 28099_1_106 CAI10X DAS1303B 2018-01-23 138859
ERR3865320 28099_1_107 CAC10M DAS11297 2017-04-26 228542
ERR3865322 28099_1_110 CAB15V DAS1295G 2017-12-06 404628
ERR3865323 28099_1_111 CAC10I DAS1141F 2017-04-13 219805
ERR3865324 28099_1_112 CAC14J DAS1448E 2018-04-25 147856
ERR3865325 28099_1_114 CAC13G DAS1246Y 2018-02-02 119105
ERR3865326 28099_1_115 CAC10G DAS11465 2017-04-11 131920
ERR3865327 28099_1_116 CAB199 DAS1458A 2018-04-26 89194
ERR3865328 28099_1_118 CAC131 DAS1329S 2017-11-14 42550
ERR3865329 28099_1_119 CAC10C DAS11529 2017-03-30 192417
ERR3865330 28099_1_120 CAB190 DAS1437K 2018-04-11 229265
ERR3865332 28099_1_123 CAC108 DAS11561 2017-03-17 125942
ERR3865334 28099_1_125 CAB195 DAS1447G 2018-04-16 136821
ERR3865335 28099_1_127 CAD13Y DAS1337S 2017-11-28 106518
ERR3865336 28099_1_128 CAC106 DAS1157X 2017-03-14 98504
ERR3865337 28099_1_129 CAB194 DAS1446I 2018-04-16 26311
ERR3865338 28099_1_131 CAG11H DAS13233 2017-11-14 140577
ERR3865339 28099_1_132 CAB114 DAS1157X 2017-03-07 140672
ERR3865340 28099_1_133 CAC14R DAS1434Q 2018-04-17 473906
ERR3865341 28099_1_135 CAH10B DAS1043J 2017-08-24 133101
ERR3865342 28099_1_136 CAB116 DAS11465 2017-04-04 121117
ERR3865343 28099_1_137 CAC14S DAS1438I 2018-04-18 329244
ERR3865344 28099_1_139 CAI10C DAS1036H 2017-09-21 245592
ERR3865346 28099_1_141 CAC14G DAS1183W 2018-04-11 258902
ERR3865347 28099_1_143 CAI10W DAS13073 2018-01-18 88940
ERR3865348 28099_1_144 CAB111 DAS11641 2017-02-28 172319
ERR3865349 28099_1_145 CAD12G DAS11801 2018-04-19 36913
ERR3865351 28099_1_148 CAB10Z DAS11609 2017-02-23 178699
ERR3865352 28099_1_149 CAD12D DAS1176U 2018-04-18 253079
ERR3865353 28099_1_151 CAC13D DAS1255W 2018-01-29 219619
ERR3865354 28099_1_152 CAB10T DAS1151B 2017-03-29 140556
ERR3865355 28099_1_153 CAD12F DAS12185 2018-04-19 209738
ERR3865356 28099_1_155 CAC130 DAS1333X 2017-11-13 276211
ERR3865357 28099_1_156 CAB10R DAS11481 2017-03-21 257488
ERR3865358 28099_1_157 CAD12H DAS1206D 2018-04-19 105804
ERR3865359 28099_1_159 CAD107 DAS11545 2017-04-06 202204
ERR3865360 28099_1_160 CAB16C DAS1267O 2018-01-10 122604
ERR3865361 28099_1_161 CAD12M DAS1221F 2018-04-25 77369
ERR3865362 28099_1_163 CAD13W DAS1351W 2017-11-16 241155
ERR3865364 28099_1_165 CAD14P DAS1191W 2018-04-16 213431
ERR3865365 28099_1_167 CAG11D DAS1393C 2017-09-28 171175
ERR3865366 28099_1_168 CAB16L DAS1247W 2018-01-25 242423
ERR3865367 28099_1_169 CAC14I DAS1446I 2018-04-23 106468
ERR3865368 28099_1_171 CAH10A DAS1063B 2017-08-08 234017
ERR3865369 28099_1_172 CAB16G DAS1256U 2018-01-22 107893
ERR3865370 28099_1_173 CAN10W DAS1351W 2018-04-19 179691
ERR3865371 28099_1_175 CAI10A DAS1043J 2017-09-14 245850
ERR3865372 28099_1_176 CAB16I DAS12505 2018-01-24 128317
ERR3865373 28099_1_177 CAF11G DAS1366I 2018-04-19 168673
ERR3865374 28099_1_179 CAI10U DAS13049 2018-01-17 189193
ERR3865375 28099_1_180 CAB16N DAS1245X 2018-01-26 135699
ERR3865376 28099_1_181 CAM114 DAS1189K 2018-03-29 126259
ERR3865378 28099_1_185 CAK103 DAS10100 2018-03-28 185911
ERR3865379 28099_1_187 CAC11S DAS1336U 2017-11-08 241185
ERR3865380 28099_1_188 CAD142 DAS13145 2017-12-17 208414
ERR3865381 28099_1_189 CAM10X DAS1375G 2018-01-12 350809
ERR3865382 28099_1_191 CAD106 DAS1157X 2017-04-05 316533
ERR3865383 28099_1_192 CAD144 DAS1302D 2018-01-04 91348
ERR3865384 28099_1_193 CAN10M DAS1097S 2018-01-25 189130
ERR3865385 28099_1_195 CAD13B DAS1272U 2018-01-17 123928
ERR3865386 28099_1_196 CAE108 DAS1158Y 2017-06-16 140992
ERR3865388 28099_1_199 CAG11C DAS14105 2017-09-20 203867
ERR3865389 28099_1_200 CAE10M DAS1113N 2017-09-13 129565
ERR3865391 28099_1_203 CAH100 DAS11377 2017-06-01 138545
ERR3865392 28099_1_204 CAE112 DAS1021V 2017-11-06 113490
ERR3865393 28099_1_205 CAC147 DAS1185S 2018-03-28 302145
ERR3865394 28099_1_207 CAH11I DAS1280U 2017-12-19 207933
ERR3865395 28099_1_208 CAE118 DAS14121 2018-01-18 258902
ERR3865396 28099_1_209 CAD13E DAS1267O 2018-02-14 135686
ERR3865397 28099_1_211 CAI10T DAS1284M 2018-01-17 123342
ERR3865398 28099_1_212 CAE119 DAS1337S 2018-01-31 189304
ERR3865399 28099_1_213 CAE11A DAS1335W 2018-02-01 279711
ERR3865400 28099_1_214 CAD13F DAS1255W 2018-02-19 57650
ERR3865401 28099_1_216 CAM10W DAS1373K 2018-01-10 129880
ERR3865402 28099_1_217 CAE11B DAS1362Q 2018-02-02 241791
ERR3865403 28099_1_218 CAD13G DAS1295G 2018-02-22 106698
ERR3865404 28099_1_220 CAC13B DAS1270Y 2018-01-12 272812
ERR3865405 28099_1_221 CAE11S DAS1351W 2018-01-19 84290
ERR3865406 28099_1_222 CAD13H DAS1248U 2018-02-22 315660
ERR3865407 28099_1_224 CAC12Z DAS1335W 2017-11-08 373770
ERR3865408 28099_1_225 CAE12S DAS10657 2018-01-26 77502
ERR3865409 28099_1_226 CAD13I DAS1247W 2018-02-23 110377
ERR3865410 28099_1_228 CAD102 DAS11633 2017-03-22 352189
ERR3865411 28099_1_229 CAF10P DAS10905 2018-01-10 106510
ERR3865412 28099_1_230 CAD145 DAS1249S 2018-02-21 133224
ERR3865413 28099_1_232 CAD13A DAS13129 2018-01-12 253298
ERR3865414 28099_1_233 CAF10Q DAS10913 2018-01-10 150193
ERR3865415 28099_1_234 CAD146 DAS1300H 2018-02-21 196536
ERR3865416 28099_1_236 CAG127 DAS1269K 2018-01-09 101424
ERR3865417 28099_1_237 CAF10T DAS1070D 2018-01-19 318942
ERR3865418 28099_1_238 CAD147 DAS1283O 2018-02-21 415667
ERR3865419 28099_1_240 CAH11G DAS1309X 2017-12-05 289248
ERR3865420 28099_1_241 CAF10X DAS1060H 2018-02-02 107893
ERR3865421 28099_1_242 CAD148 DAS1230D 2018-03-02 119814
ERR3865422 28099_1_244 CAI10P DAS1325X 2017-12-14 137967
ERR3865423 28099_1_245 CAG101 DAS11449 2017-05-19 256893
ERR3865424 28099_1_246 CAD149 DAS1229X 2018-03-07 94290
ERR3865425 28099_1_248 CAL111 DAS13798 2018-01-10 21381
ERR3865426 28099_1_249 CAG109 DAS10817 2017-07-06 184663
ERR3865427 28099_1_250 CAD14D DAS12265 2018-03-12 124931
ERR3865428 28099_1_252 CAC139 DAS1286I 2017-12-18 192394
ERR3865429 28099_1_253 CAG10H DAS1062D 2017-08-01 225270
ERR3865430 28099_1_254 CAD14E DAS12257 2018-03-12 260089
ERR3865431 28099_1_256 CAC12B DAS1369C 2017-10-12 327400
ERR3865432 28099_1_257 CAC13X DAS12185 2018-03-01 303473
ERR3865433 28099_1_258 CAD14G DAS1246Y 2018-03-16 142708
ERR3865434 28099_1_260 CAD100 DAS1168U 2017-03-21 210017
ERR3865435 28099_1_261 CAC13U DAS1221F 2018-02-20 106525
ERR3865437 28099_1_264 CAD118 DAS1329S 2017-12-05 114137
ERR3865439 28099_1_266 CAD14J DAS1214D 2018-03-28 127706
ERR3865440 28099_1_268 CAD13L DAS1032P 2017-09-21 251015
ERR3865441 28099_1_269 CAC13S DAS12265 2018-02-19 269965
ERR3865442 28099_1_270 CAD14K DAS1207B 2018-03-29 349578
ERR3865443 28099_1_272 CAG126 DAS1271W 2018-01-04 269863
ERR3865444 28099_1_273 CAC13R DAS12273 2018-02-16 119768
ERR3865445 28099_1_274 CAE11D DAS1329S 2018-02-07 358947
ERR3865447 28099_1_277 CAC13Q DAS1229X 2018-02-15 254752
ERR3865448 28099_1_278 CAE12U DAS13145 2018-02-20 35464
ERR3865449 28099_1_280 CAI10N DAS13233 2017-12-12 114852
ERR3865450 28099_1_281 CAC13P DAS12353 2018-02-07 132859
ERR3865451 28099_1_282 CAE12W DAS1302D 2018-03-02 128284
ERR3865452 28099_1_284 CAK10P DAS10665 2018-01-23 239674
ERR3865453 28099_1_285 CAC13N DAS12441 2018-02-07 109522
ERR3865454 28099_1_286 CAE12X DAS13225 2018-03-02 215977
ERR3865455 28099_1_288 CAC11Y DAS1035J 2017-08-28 250545
ERR3865456 28099_1_289 CAC13M DAS1239W 2018-02-07 114741
ERR3865459 28099_1_293 CAC13L DAS12409 2018-02-05 302110
ERR3865460 28099_1_294 CAF10Z DAS10489 2018-02-14 252313
ERR3865462 28099_1_297 CAB184 DAS1184U 2018-03-26 114394
ERR3865464 28099_1_300 CAD114 DAS1078Y 2017-08-28 220992
ERR3865465 28099_1_301 CAD13Q DAS1008P 2017-10-10 139034
ERR3865466 28099_1_302 CAB18U DAS11713 2018-04-02 123488
ERR3865467 28099_1_303 CAF113 DAS11369 2018-02-22 106771
ERR3865468 28099_1_305 CAG125 DAS1280U 2017-12-14 251920
ERR3865469 28099_1_306 CAB18S DAS1174Y 2018-03-30 182798
ERR3865470 28099_1_307 CAF114 DAS1034L 2018-02-23 340422
ERR3865471 28099_1_309 CAH119 DAS1326Y 2017-11-14 247921
ERR3865473 28099_1_311 CAF115 DAS1036H 2018-02-23 91978
ERR3865474 28099_1_313 CAI10M DAS1328U 2017-12-05 164374
ERR3865475 28099_1_314 CAB18A DAS1178Q 2018-03-28 211833
ERR3865476 28099_1_315 CAL11A DAS1385C 2018-03-07 134843
ERR3865477 28099_1_317 CAJ10L DAS14105 2018-01-15 133224
ERR3865478 28099_1_318 CAB189 DAS1179O 2018-03-27 241148
ERR3865479 28099_1_319 CAF11A DAS10020 2018-03-13 146049
ERR3865480 28099_1_321 CAB16R DAS12409 2018-01-29 256139
ERR3865481 28099_1_322 CAB188 DAS11801 2018-03-27 259159
ERR3865482 28099_1_323 CAF11B DAS1024P 2018-03-15 223218
ERR3865483 28099_1_325 CAC13J DAS1247W 2018-02-02 216645
ERR3865484 28099_1_326 CAB183 DAS1185S 2018-03-23 241097
ERR3865485 28099_1_327 CAF11C DAS14009 2018-03-27 242423
ERR3865486 28099_1_329 CAC134 DAS13129 2017-11-28 37866
ERR3865487 28099_1_330 CAB182 DAS1191W 2018-03-19 145120
ERR3865488 28099_1_331 CAG11J DAS1237X 2018-01-30 143682
ERR3865489 28099_1_333 CAD10V DAS10809 2017-08-08 222678
ERR3865490 28099_1_334 CAB181 DAS1192U 2018-03-16 241614
ERR3865491 28099_1_335 CAG129 DAS1223B 2018-02-13 337487
ERR3865492 28099_1_337 CAD13T DAS13990 2017-10-23 289768
ERR3865493 28099_1_338 CAB180 DAS1193S 2018-03-16 258902
ERR3865494 28099_1_339 CAG12A DAS1222D 2018-02-13 141680
ERR3865495 28099_1_341 CAG123 DAS1301F 2017-12-05 106444
ERR3865496 28099_1_342 CAB17W DAS1199G 2018-03-12 216209
ERR3865497 28099_1_343 CAI10Y DAS1271W 2018-02-02 108505
ERR3865498 28099_1_345 CAH117 DAS1356M 2017-10-30 89562
ERR3865499 28099_1_346 CAB17U DAS1204H 2018-03-08 139298
ERR3865500 28099_1_347 CAI10Z DAS1237X 2018-02-28 17737
ERR3865501 28099_1_349 CAI10J DAS1393C 2017-11-17 205506
ERR3865502 28099_1_350 CAB17S DAS1206D 2018-03-07 234794
ERR3865503 28099_1_351 CAI111 DAS1223B 2018-03-15 295634
ERR3865504 28099_1_353 CAJ10E DAS1036H 2018-01-12 151773
ERR3865505 28099_1_354 CAB17R DAS1207B 2018-03-06 348138
ERR3865506 28099_1_355 CAJ10G DAS1334Y 2018-02-06 197855
ERR3865507 28099_1_357 CAB15T DAS1302D 2017-12-04 302820
ERR3865508 28099_1_358 CAB17Q DAS1214D 2018-02-27 93815
ERR3865509 28099_1_359 CAJ10H DAS1328U 2018-02-06 110377
ERR3865510 28099_1_361 CAB15R DAS13145 2017-11-20 137129
ERR3865511 28099_1_362 CAB17M DAS12185 2018-02-22 132798
ERR3865512 28099_1_363 CAJ10I DAS13233 2018-02-14 316535
ERR3865513 28099_1_365 CAB15P DAS1319W 2017-11-15 233352
ERR3865514 28099_1_366 CAB171 DAS12193 2018-02-19 97252
ERR3865515 28099_1_367 CAJ10J DAS13137 2018-03-02 258902
ERR3865517 28099_1_370 CAB170 DAS1221F 2018-02-13 276744
ERR3865518 28099_1_371 CAJ10K DAS1325X 2018-03-02 222200
ERR3865519 28099_1_373 CAB165 DAS13241 2017-11-13 90503
ERR3865520 28099_1_374 CAB16Z DAS12257 2018-02-12 244663
ERR3865521 28099_1_375 CAJ10N DAS1280U 2018-03-16 267122
ERR3865522 28099_1_377 CAB164 DAS1329S 2017-11-07 131839
ERR3865523 28099_1_378 CAB16Y DAS12265 2018-02-12 241178
ERR3865524 28099_1_379 CAJ10P DAS1309X 2018-03-16 214745
ERR3865525 28099_1_381 CAB163 DAS13305 2017-11-07 135498
ERR3865526 28099_1_382 CAB16X DAS12273 2018-02-09 286569
ERR3865527 28099_1_383 CAK10R DAS10673 2018-02-02 223705
ERR3865528 28099_2_3 CAK10S DAS1069X 2018-02-02 129880
ERR3865529 28099_2_8 CAK10U DAS1425S 2018-03-16 136558
ERR3865530 28099_2_12 CAL115 DAS1386A 2018-02-15 266557
ERR3865531 28099_2_16 CAL116 DAS1384E 2018-02-27 222834
ERR3865533 28099_2_24 CAL11B DAS1189K 2018-03-21 196861
ERR3865535 28099_2_32 CAL11C DAS1188M 2018-03-22 185159
ERR3865536 28099_2_36 CAH11K DAS1237X 2018-02-14 106430
ERR3865537 28099_2_40 CAI10V DAS1280U 2018-01-18 261251
ERR3865538 28099_2_44 CAM110 DAS13798 2018-02-07 98492
ERR3865539 28099_2_48 CAM112 DAS1382I 2018-02-28 138859
ERR3865541 28099_2_56 CAN107 DAS1087W 2018-02-19 268503
ERR3865542 28099_2_60 CAN108 DAS1016P 2018-03-26 137198
ERR3865543 28099_2_64 CAN10Q DAS11393 2018-02-22 122362
ERR3865546 28099_2_76 CAC13Z DAS1214D 2018-03-06 106972
ERR3865547 28099_2_80 CAC140 DAS12177 2018-03-09 185396
ERR3865548 28099_2_84 CAC141 DAS1206D 2018-03-14 131868
ERR3865549 28099_2_88 CAC132 DAS13241 2017-11-20 143589
ERR3865550 28099_2_92 CAB190 DAS1437K 2018-04-11 185283
ERR3865551 28099_2_96 CAB19F DAS14766 2018-05-15 210017
ERR3865552 28099_2_97 CAC14N DAS1464E 2018-05-16 130061
ERR3865553 28099_2_101 CAL11K DAS14678 2018-05-15 103261
ERR3865554 28099_2_105 CAC14P DAS1463G 2018-05-16 246728
ERR3865555 28099_2_109 CAC14T DAS1460M 2018-05-17 138006
ERR3865556 28099_2_113 CAC15X DAS1470I 2018-05-17 108619
ERR3865557 28099_2_117 CAD11Z DAS1458A 2018-05-17 218210
ERR3865558 28099_2_121 CAE14Q DAS12257 2018-05-16 150141
ERR3865559 28099_2_126 CAK171 DAS13233 2018-05-15 222804
ERR3865560 28099_2_130 CAC12H DAS14758 2018-05-22 128554
ERR3865562 28099_2_138 CAE135 DAS1248U 2018-05-23 302346
ERR3865563 28099_2_142 CAF167 NA NA 91203
ERR3865564 28099_2_146 CAF16Y DAS13145 2018-05-21 137137
ERR3865565 28099_2_150 CAE136 DAS12441 2018-05-24 131244
ERR3865566 28099_2_154 CAB18K DAS14782 2018-05-22 299200
ERR3865567 28099_2_158 CAB19H DAS14854 2018-06-04 158161
ERR3865568 28099_2_162 CAB18R DAS14846 2018-06-04 210234
ERR3865569 28099_2_166 CAJ10T DAS1223B 2018-05-29 144289
ERR3865570 28099_2_170 CAF158 DAS13321 2018-05-29 309684
ERR3865571 28099_2_174 CAE11Q DAS1247W 2018-05-30 261235
ERR3865572 28099_2_178 CAC14Q DAS14782 2018-05-30 36155
ERR3865573 28099_2_182 CAD11B DAS1464E 2018-06-06 268461
ERR3865574 28099_2_186 CAD123 DAS1440U 2018-06-05 287626
ERR3865575 28099_2_190 CAE137 DAS1246Y 2018-06-05 188931
ERR3865576 28099_2_194 CAF170 DAS1295G 2018-06-06 209388
ERR3865577 28099_2_198 CAE11Q DAS1247W 2018-05-30 213668
ERR3865579 28099_2_206 CAD12U DAS1474A 2018-06-12 106504
ERR3865580 28099_2_210 CAE11U DAS1191W 2018-06-14 136422
ERR3865581 28099_2_215 CAK10X DAS1280U 2018-06-14 302246
ERR3865582 28099_2_219 CAF15A DAS13129 2018-06-12 277254
ERR3865583 28099_2_223 CAC14V DAS14862 2018-06-12 30203
ERR3865584 28099_2_227 CAB1A7 DAS14918 2018-06-14 121207
ERR3865585 28099_2_231 CAD12W DAS1239W 2018-06-13 341392
ERR3865586 28099_2_235 CAD12V DAS1446I 2018-06-12 261258
ERR3865587 28099_2_239 CAB19J DAS14870 2018-06-13 92305
ERR3865588 28099_2_243 CAF11D DAS14121 2018-03-29 261095
ERR3865589 28099_2_247 CAC14C DAS11713 2018-04-09 273630
ERR3865590 28099_2_251 CAD14L DAS1199G 2018-04-09 30782
ERR3865591 28099_2_255 CAF11E DAS1014T 2018-04-09 220952
ERR3865592 28099_2_259 CAC14A DAS1177S 2018-04-04 143882
ERR3865593 28099_2_263 CAC14B DAS1178Q 2018-04-04 125913
ERR3865598 28099_2_283 CAE11I DAS1295G 2018-03-06 114137
ERR3865599 28099_2_287 CAK101 DAS1011Z 2018-03-23 302107
ERR3865600 28099_2_291 CAB11D DAS1123J 2017-04-24 135086
ERR3865601 28099_2_295 CAE12Q DAS1008P 2017-12-14 242301
ERR3865602 28099_2_299 CAH11E DAS1325X 2017-11-21 309387
ERR3865603 28099_2_304 CAK10Q DAS10921 2018-01-29 143821
ERR3865604 28099_2_308 CAH10L DAS1269K 2018-01-19 51331
ERR3865606 28099_2_316 CAC14F DAS11705 2018-04-11 246312
ERR3865607 28099_2_320 CAC148 DAS1182Y 2018-04-03 181321
ERR6057876 34154_7_3 CAC159 DAS1519G 2018-07-31 398104
ERR6057877 34154_7_4 CAE11S DAS1351W 2018-01-19 815040
ERR6057878 34154_7_5 CAD1AI DAS1510Y 2018-07-31 416814
ERR6057879 34154_7_6 CAE12H DAS1028H 2017-11-28 578196
ERR6057880 34154_7_8 CAB11B DAS1120P 2017-04-18 241627
ERR6057881 34154_7_10 CAB139 DAS1029F 2017-08-29 190680
ERR6057882 34154_7_11 CAE15W DAS12177 2018-07-30 374232
ERR6057883 34154_7_12 CAE12L DAS1029F 2017-12-06 219836
ERR6057884 34154_7_13 CAD1AL DAS1519G 2018-08-06 508183
ERR6057885 34154_7_14 CAE12R DAS1014T 2017-12-18 482415
ERR6057886 34154_7_16 CAB159 DAS14009 2017-09-26 661690
ERR6057887 34154_7_18 CAB15B DAS13886 2017-10-02 326635
ERR6057888 34154_7_19 CAH11E DAS1325X 2017-11-21 532297
ERR6057889 34154_7_20 CAE12U DAS13145 2018-02-20 203429
ERR6057890 34154_7_22 CAB15M DAS1354Q 2017-10-18 280122
ERR6057891 34154_7_23 CAE12V DAS13321 2018-02-21 361647
ERR6057892 34154_7_24 CAB13W NA NA 811788
ERR6057893 34154_7_25 CAB15S DAS13129 2017-11-21 441618
ERR6057894 34154_7_26 CAF102 DAS11609 2017-09-01 292152
ERR6057895 34154_7_27 CAB163 DAS13305 2017-11-07 372362
ERR6057896 34154_7_30 CAB15V DAS1295G 2017-12-06 377741
ERR6057897 34154_7_31 CAF103 DAS11545 2017-09-06 1042763
ERR6057898 34154_7_32 CAI19F DAS1526I 2018-08-21 453707
ERR6057899 34154_7_33 CAF109 DAS1140H 2017-10-02 579186
ERR6057901 34154_7_36 CAB15W DAS1296E 2017-12-06 454335
ERR6057902 34154_7_38 CAB166 DAS13225 2017-11-14 410104
ERR6057903 34154_7_39 CAF10C DAS1120P 2017-10-18 758176
ERR6057904 34154_7_40 CAG19R DAS1576Z 2018-08-29 320677
ERR6057905 34154_7_41 CAF10I DAS1126D 2017-11-22 639936
ERR6057906 34154_7_42 CAE1AJ DAS1464E 2018-08-28 424465
ERR6057907 34154_7_44 CAB16A DAS1272U 2017-12-20 169754
ERR6057908 34154_7_46 CAB16G DAS1256U 2018-01-22 1464071
ERR6057909 34154_7_47 CAF10J DAS1096U 2017-12-04 472256
ERR6057910 34154_7_48 CAF19Y DAS1214D 2018-08-28 203827
ERR6057911 34154_7_49 CAE19Z DAS1434Q 2018-09-06 1042515
ERR6057912 34154_7_50 CAF10K DAS1111R 2017-12-06 471152
ERR6057913 34154_7_52 CAB16N DAS1245X 2018-01-26 407840
ERR6057914 34154_7_54 CAB16R DAS12409 2018-01-29 358180
ERR6057915 34154_7_55 CAL188 DAS1589P 2018-09-19 317618
ERR6057916 34154_7_56 CAF10M DAS1113N 2017-12-14 193216
ERR6057917 34154_7_58 CAC105 DAS11641 2017-03-09 373601
ERR6057918 34154_7_59 CAE1B6 DAS1489X 2018-09-14 431290
ERR6057919 34154_7_60 CAF10S DAS1100X 2018-01-18 324706
ERR6057921 34154_7_62 CAI1AT DAS1576Z 2018-09-18 408198
ERR6057922 34154_7_63 CAF113 DAS11369 2018-02-22 344926
ERR6057925 34154_7_68 CAF11A DAS10020 2018-03-13 204836
ERR6057926 34154_7_69 CAI191 DAS1568Z 2018-09-28 377614
ERR6057927 34154_7_70 CAF11C DAS14009 2018-03-27 154943
ERR6057929 34154_7_74 CAC10Q DAS1126D 2017-05-09 209640
ERR6057930 34154_7_75 CAH18C DAS1579T 2018-09-13 358303
ERR6057931 34154_7_76 CAG104 DAS1113N 2017-06-09 602453
ERR6057932 34154_7_77 CAG1A1 DAS1598N 2018-09-27 272185
ERR6057933 34154_7_78 CAG106 DAS10841 2017-06-28 188445
ERR6057934 34154_7_80 CAC10Z DAS1116H 2017-06-27 472259
ERR6057936 34154_7_83 CAI193 DAS15806 2018-10-05 718728
ERR6057937 34154_7_84 CAG10G DAS1063B 2017-07-31 169243
ERR6057938 34154_7_86 CAC11A DAS10681 2017-08-07 381605
ERR6057939 34154_7_87 CAF1AS DAS1169S 2018-10-05 403059
ERR6057940 34154_7_88 CAG118 DAS1011Z 2017-09-08 239958
ERR6057941 34154_7_89 CAC11G DAS10489 2017-08-29 406592
ERR6057942 34154_7_90 CAF1AS DAS1169S 2018-10-05 427666
ERR6057943 34154_7_91 CAG11F DAS1390I 2017-10-03 474397
ERR6057944 34154_7_94 CAC11K DAS1008P 2017-09-18 362711
ERR6057945 34154_7_95 CAM1AC DAS15590 2018-10-09 501204
ERR6057946 34154_7_96 CAG120 DAS13073 2017-11-29 410121
ERR6057947 34154_7_97 CAE1BG DAS14774 2018-10-12 577547
ERR6057948 34154_7_98 CAG12A DAS1222D 2018-02-13 483580
ERR6057949 34154_7_100 CAC11N DAS1360U 2017-10-18 668442
ERR6057950 34154_7_102 CAC11P DAS1354Q 2017-10-25 190918
ERR6057951 34154_7_103 CAE1BH DAS1460M 2018-10-12 579329
ERR6057952 34154_7_104 CAH101 DAS1113N 2017-06-16 331270
ERR6057953 34154_7_105 CAH104 DAS10825 2017-07-07 182873
ERR6057954 34154_7_106 CAM16Z DAS1584Z 2018-11-02 442852
ERR6057955 34154_7_108 CAC11Q DAS1351W 2017-10-26 622199
ERR6057956 34154_7_110 CAC11S DAS1336U 2017-11-08 855851
ERR6057958 34154_7_112 CAM11R DAS1503W 2018-07-26 702061
ERR6057961 34154_7_116 CAC11W DAS10593 2017-08-10 298228
ERR6057962 34154_7_118 CAC11Y DAS1035J 2017-08-28 367382
ERR6057963 34154_7_119 CAH10K DAS1390I 2017-10-10 294596
ERR6057965 34154_7_122 CAC127 DAS10020 2017-09-20 326754
ERR6057966 34154_7_123 CAH11K DAS1237X 2018-02-14 208170
ERR6057968 34154_7_125 CAC12B DAS1369C 2017-10-12 630789
ERR6057971 34154_7_130 CAC12C DAS1366I 2017-10-13 262748
ERR6057972 34154_7_131 CAI101 DAS1113N 2017-07-11 602457
ERR6057975 34154_7_134 CAI105 DAS1079W 2017-08-10 363110
ERR6057976 34154_7_136 CAC133 DAS13145 2017-11-27 280266
ERR6057977 34154_7_138 CAC134 DAS13129 2017-11-28 222947
ERR6057979 34154_7_140 CAI10C DAS1036H 2017-09-21 794807
ERR6057981 34154_7_142 CAI10E DAS1005V 2017-10-10 424807
ERR6057982 34154_7_144 CAC137 DAS1300H 2017-12-12 209137
ERR6057983 34154_7_146 CAC13C DAS1259O 2018-01-23 630958
ERR6057985 34154_7_148 CAI10H DAS14105 2017-11-01 397227
ERR6057986 34154_7_150 CAC13D DAS1255W 2018-01-29 185957
ERR6057988 34154_7_152 CAI10J DAS1393C 2017-11-17 424465
ERR6057989 34154_7_153 CAC13G DAS1246Y 2018-02-02 103010
ERR6057991 34154_7_155 CAI10S DAS13137 2018-01-10 720261
ERR6057992 34154_7_158 CAC13I DAS12505 2018-02-02 266644
ERR6057994 34154_7_160 CAI10U DAS13049 2018-01-17 358687
ERR6057996 34154_7_162 CAI10V DAS1280U 2018-01-18 584309
ERR6057997 34154_7_164 CAD100 DAS1168U 2017-03-21 326092
ERR6057998 34154_7_166 CAD101 DAS1166Y 2017-03-21 197588
ERR6058000 34154_7_168 CAI10W DAS13073 2018-01-18 713824
ERR6058003 34154_7_172 CAD107 DAS11545 2017-04-06 380055
ERR6058004 34154_7_174 CAD10C DAS1140H 2017-05-02 185030
ERR6058006 34154_7_176 CAJ10A DAS1005V 2017-12-12 363131
ERR6058008 34154_7_178 CAJ10D DAS1393C 2018-01-12 396979
ERR6058009 34154_7_179 CAD10F DAS1120P 2017-05-16 274664
ERR6058011 34154_7_183 CAK10Q DAS10921 2018-01-29 159382
ERR6058012 34154_7_184 CAD10N DAS1108H 2017-07-10 1457444
ERR6058013 34154_7_185 CAD10V DAS10809 2017-08-08 333184
ERR6058016 34154_7_189 CAL108 DAS1098Q 2017-06-19 715588
ERR6058018 34154_7_191 CAB16X DAS12273 2018-02-09 188298
ERR6058019 34154_7_194 CAL111 DAS13798 2018-01-10 204640
ERR6058022 34154_7_197 CAL11A DAS1385C 2018-03-07 428941
ERR6058024 34154_7_199 CAB16Z DAS12257 2018-02-12 170378
ERR6058025 34154_7_202 CAL11C DAS1188M 2018-03-22 158603
ERR6058027 34154_7_204 CAB170 DAS1221F 2018-02-13 713297
ERR6058028 34154_7_205 CAM105 DAS1103R 2017-07-10 94969
ERR6058030 34154_7_207 CAB17M DAS12185 2018-02-22 268948
ERR6058031 34154_7_210 CAM108 DAS1098Q 2017-07-17 383706
ERR6058033 34154_7_212 CAB17N DAS12169 2018-02-26 238327
ERR6058034 34154_7_213 CAB17P DAS12177 2018-02-26 367714
ERR6058036 34154_7_216 CAM109 DAS1089S 2017-08-08 817205
ERR6058038 34154_7_218 CAM10E DAS1097S 2017-08-23 580601
ERR6058039 34154_7_219 CAB17W DAS1199G 2018-03-12 463964
ERR6058040 34154_7_221 CAB180 DAS1193S 2018-03-16 194692
ERR6058042 34154_7_224 CAM10J DAS1051J 2017-09-18 380637
ERR6058044 34154_7_226 CAM10T DAS1417S 2017-12-06 579329
ERR6058045 34154_7_227 CAB183 DAS1185S 2018-03-23 405607
ERR6058047 34154_7_231 CAN100 DAS1130L 2017-10-30 185528
ERR6058048 34154_7_232 CAB188 DAS11801 2018-03-27 433954
ERR6058050 34154_7_234 CAC147 DAS1185S 2018-03-28 512304
ERR6058051 34154_7_235 CAC13L DAS12409 2018-02-05 270793
ERR6058053 34154_7_239 CAF16Y DAS13145 2018-05-21 222947
ERR6058054 34154_7_240 CAC13R DAS12273 2018-02-16 209516
ERR6058056 34154_7_242 CAF1AJ DAS1199G 2018-09-12 362712
ERR6058059 34154_7_247 CAF11D DAS14121 2018-03-29 171469
ERR6058060 34154_7_248 CAC13T DAS12257 2018-02-19 431267
ERR6058061 34154_7_249 CAC13X DAS12185 2018-03-01 698084
ERR6058063 34154_7_252 CAC14A DAS1177S 2018-04-04 715600
ERR6058065 34154_7_254 CAC14C DAS11713 2018-04-09 529663
ERR6058066 34154_7_255 CAC13Y DAS12169 2018-03-06 405560
ERR6058068 34154_7_259 CAF11G DAS1366I 2018-04-19 333667
ERR6058069 34154_7_260 CAC143 DAS1192U 2018-03-22 630957
ERR6058071 34154_7_262 CAD12F DAS12185 2018-04-19 326092
ERR6058072 34154_7_263 CAD110 DAS11369 2017-08-17 437143
ERR6058074 34154_7_267 CAD14M DAS1192U 2018-04-13 643697
ERR6058075 34154_7_268 CAD12Z DAS1055B 2017-09-01 292764
ERR6058076 34154_7_269 CAN10W DAS1351W 2018-04-19 371971
ERR6058078 34154_7_271 CAD134 DAS1029F 2017-09-27 448219
ERR6058079 34154_7_274 CAC14I DAS1446I 2018-04-23 356539
ERR6058081 34154_7_276 CAD135 DAS1021V 2017-10-03 609308
ERR6058082 34154_7_277 CAD137 DAS1014T 2017-10-06 351289
ERR6058083 34154_7_279 CAC14G DAS1183W 2018-04-11 510163
ERR6058085 34154_7_281 CAB194 DAS1446I 2018-04-16 393764
ERR6058087 34154_7_283 CAD13B DAS1272U 2018-01-17 362707
ERR6058089 34154_7_287 CAB195 DAS1447G 2018-04-16 164351
ERR6058091 34154_7_289 CAD12I DAS1177S 2018-04-25 510807
ERR6058093 34154_7_291 CAD13G DAS1295G 2018-02-22 365644
ERR6058094 34154_7_294 CAD11T DAS1182Y 2018-04-24 915814
ERR6058096 34154_7_296 CAD13I DAS1247W 2018-02-23 280593
ERR6058098 34154_7_298 CAE12Z DAS1262Y 2018-04-25 189067
ERR6058099 34154_7_299 CAD13J DAS10489 2017-09-18 184552
ERR6058101 34154_7_303 CAD11U DAS11713 2018-04-30 969325
ERR6058102 34154_7_304 CAD13L DAS1032P 2017-09-21 1004795
ERR6058103 34154_7_306 CAJ10S DAS1326Y 2018-04-30 358237
ERR6058104 34154_7_307 CAD13Q DAS1008P 2017-10-10 186567
ERR6058106 34154_7_312 CAD13U DAS1366I 2017-11-03 632067
ERR6058107 34154_7_313 CAD13Y DAS1337S 2017-11-28 180607
ERR6058108 34154_7_316 CAD11X DAS1434Q 2018-05-07 497931
ERR6058109 34154_7_317 CAL11H DAS1452M 2018-05-03 375860
ERR6058110 34154_7_318 CAD142 DAS13145 2017-12-17 280266
ERR6058111 34154_7_322 CAB19D DAS1474A 2018-05-14 532790
ERR6058112 34154_7_323 CAD144 DAS1302D 2018-01-04 467932
ERR6058113 34154_7_324 CAC15X DAS1470I 2018-05-17 388030
ERR6058114 34154_7_325 CAD149 DAS1229X 2018-03-07 378141
ERR6058115 34154_7_330 CAC14N DAS1464E 2018-05-16 184786
ERR6058116 34154_7_331 CAD14D DAS12265 2018-03-12 549144
ERR6058117 34154_7_332 CAC14U DAS14766 2018-05-22 1346685
ERR6058118 34154_7_333 CAD14E DAS12257 2018-03-12 326092
ERR6058119 34154_7_338 CAE135 DAS1248U 2018-05-23 276747
ERR6058120 34154_7_339 CAD14F DAS12353 2018-03-14 325458
ERR6058121 34154_7_340 CAD14G DAS1246Y 2018-03-16 472254
ERR6058122 34154_7_343 CAF158 DAS13321 2018-05-29 339454
ERR6058123 34154_7_344 CAE11Q DAS1247W 2018-05-30 357212
ERR6058124 34154_7_345 CAD14H DAS12505 2018-03-16 170780
ERR6058125 34154_7_348 CAD14I DAS12177 2018-03-23 407535
ERR6058126 34154_7_351 CAE11N DAS1230D 2018-05-29 1106021
ERR6058127 34154_7_352 CAB1AA DAS14950 2018-06-18 576128
ERR6058128 34154_7_353 CAE105 DAS11545 2017-06-06 355308
ERR6058130 34154_7_359 CAE108 DAS1158Y 2017-06-16 1063606
ERR6058131 34154_7_360 CAD124 DAS14774 2018-06-21 630096
ERR6058132 34154_7_361 CAE10T DAS1093X 2017-10-06 361623
ERR6058133 34154_7_366 CAD125 DAS1480E 2018-06-27 512621
ERR6058134 34154_7_367 CAE10V DAS1100X 2017-10-18 289129
ERR6058135 34154_7_368 CAB1AG DAS1507O 2018-07-05 290816
ERR6058136 34154_7_369 CAE10X DAS1070D 2017-10-18 328154
ERR6058137 34154_7_374 CAC156 DAS1506Q 2018-07-12 465751
ERR6058138 34154_7_375 CAE11A DAS1335W 2018-02-01 280704
ERR6058139 34154_7_376 CAE11I DAS1295G 2018-03-06 377740
ERR6058140 34154_7_378 CAF15D DAS13225 2018-07-18 668781
ERR6058141 34154_7_379 CAC158 DAS1511W 2018-07-18 371955
ERR6058142 34154_7_380 CAE11K DAS1286I 2018-03-14 312639

if (write_figs) {
    btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
      mutate(date_of_collection = data_date) %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      ) %>%
        btESBL_qrdr_mutations %>%
          filter(genus == "E. coli") %>%
          select(-genus) %>%
            by = c(
              "variant" = "variant",
              "gene" = "gene"
          ) %>%
            id_cols = lane,
            names_from = gene,
            values_from = variant,
            values_fn = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ",")
      ) %>%
      mutate(ecoli_pathotype = if_else(,
      )) %>%
        ~ if_else(, "no", .x)
      )) %>%
        btESBL_amrgenes %>%
          select(-genus) %>%
          arrange(ref_seq) %>%
            id_cols = lane, names_from = ref_seq,
            values_from = ref_seq,
            values_fn = length,
            values_fill = 0
          ) %>%
          mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ if_else(.x == 1, "yes", "no")))


Phylogroup, MLST plasmid replicons

btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>% 
  filter(species == "E. coli") %>% 
  mutate(Phylogroup = ecoli_phylogroup,
         Pathotype = ecoli_pathotype) ->

pgroup_cols <- c(hue_pal()(9)[c(1:5,7:8)], "gray")

names(pgroup_cols) <-

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  group_by(ST) %>% 
  mutate(n = n()) %>% 
  filter(n > 2) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fct_rev(fct_infreq(ST)), fill = Phylogroup)) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "ST", y = "Number of Samples") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = pgroup_cols) -> 
#  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "cividis") -> p1
dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fct_rev(fct_infreq(Phylogroup)), fill = Phylogroup)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none", 
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
                                   hjust = 1)) +
#  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "cividis") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = pgroup_cols) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "Phylogroup", y = "Number of samples") -> p2

btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>% 
  filter(species == "E. coli") %>% 
   mutate(ref_seq = gsub("_.+$","", ref_seq),
         ref_seq = gsub("\\.[0-9]","", ref_seq),
         ref_seq = case_when(
           grepl("Col", ref_seq) ~ "Col",
           grepl("rep", ref_seq) ~ "rep",
           grepl("^FIA", ref_seq) ~ "IncFIA",
           !grepl("Inc", ref_seq) ~ "Other",
           TRUE ~ ref_seq
          )) %>% 
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fct_rev(fct_infreq(ref_seq)))) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(y = "Number of samples",
       x = "Plasmid replicon") -> plasm_rep_prev

p2 + p1 + plasm_rep_prev + plot_spacer() + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") +
  plot_layout(ncol = 2) -> mlst_plot

if (write_figs) {
    width = 7,
    height = 8)
    width = 7,
    height = 8)
FIGURE 1: Sequence types (A) and phylogroups (B) of included isolates amd (C) identfied Inc-type plasmid replicons.

FIGURE 1: Sequence types (A) and phylogroups (B) of included isolates amd (C) identfied Inc-type plasmid replicons.

Compare within- to between- patient diversity

btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
  filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
  group_by(pid) %>%
    n_sts_per_participant = length(unique(ST)),
    n_samples_per_participant = n()
  ) %>%
    n_samples_per_participant = factor(n_samples_per_participant,
      levels = 1:5
    n_sts_per_participant = factor(n_sts_per_participant, levels = 1:5)
  ) %>%
  count(n_sts_per_participant, n_samples_per_participant, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  filter(as.numeric(as.character(n_samples_per_participant)) >=
    as.numeric(as.character(n_sts_per_participant))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(n_samples_per_participant, n_sts_per_participant,
    label = n, fill = n, color = -n
  )) +
  geom_tile(color = NA) +
  geom_text() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  scale_color_gradient(low = "black", high = "white") +
  guides(color = "none") +
    x = "No. of samples per participant",
    y = "No. of STs per participant",
    fill = "No. of\nParticipants"
  ) +
  theme_bw() -> samples_vs_st_plot

btESBL_snpdists_esco %>%
  rename(sample1 = sample) %>%
    names_to = "sample2",
    values_to = "snpdist"
  ) %>%
    btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
        pid1 = pid,
        ST1 = ST,
        sample1 = lane
  ) %>%
    btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
        pid2 = pid,
        ST2 = ST,
        sample2 = lane
  ) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(filter_var = paste(sort(c(sample1, sample2)), collapse = ",")) -> df
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample1)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample2)`

df[!duplicated(df$filter_var), ] -> df

df %>%
  filter(sample1 != sample2) %>%
  filter(ST1 == ST2) %>%
  filter(! & ! %>%
  mutate(btwn_var = if_else(pid1 == pid2, "Within-participant, same ST",
    "Between-participant, same ST"
  )) %>%
  ggplot(aes(snpdist)) +
  # geom_density() +
  geom_histogram(bins = 50, color = "black", size = 0.4) +
  xlim(0, 200) +
  facet_wrap(~btwn_var, scales = "free") +
  theme_bw() +
  guides(fill = "none") +
    x = "Core genome SNP distance",
    y = "Number of sample-pairs"
  ) +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "cividis") -> snpdist_plot
#> Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#>  Please use `linewidth` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.

((samples_vs_st_plot + plot_spacer() + plot_layout(widths = c(1.5,1))) /
  snpdist_plot) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") -> within_participant_diversity_plot

#> Warning: Removed 751 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).
#> Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).
Comparing within- to between- participant diversity. A: Heatmap showing number of samples per participant versus number of STs per participant demonstrating that most participants have either one sample or more than one sample with different STs. B: Histogram of pairwise core genome SNP difference comparing only sample pairs that are of the same ST, stratified by whether sample pair is between-participant (left panel) or within-participant (right panel), demonstrating a similar distribution for each.

Comparing within- to between- participant diversity. A: Heatmap showing number of samples per participant versus number of STs per participant demonstrating that most participants have either one sample or more than one sample with different STs. B: Histogram of pairwise core genome SNP difference comparing only sample pairs that are of the same ST, stratified by whether sample pair is between-participant (left panel) or within-participant (right panel), demonstrating a similar distribution for each.

if (write_figs) {

    width = 6,
    height = 6)
    width = 6,
    height = 6)


Compare phylogroup to horesh collection

As per reviewer’s comments - stratify Horesh collection by invasive vs carriage and ESBL vs not ESBL for comparison

# add esbl status to btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata

btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata %>%
    btESBL_ecoli_horesh_amr %>%
        by = c("ref_seq" = "allele_name")
      ) %>%
      group_by(ID) %>%
      summarise(res = if_else(
        any(grepl("ESBL|AmpC|Carbapenemase", class)),
        "No ESBL/AmpC/Carbapenemase"
    by = c("ID" = "ID")
  ) -> btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata

btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata %>% 
  transmute(Study = "Global",
            Phylogroup = Phylogroup),
btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>% 
  filter(species == "E. coli") %>% 
  transmute(Study = "This Study",
            Phylogroup = ecoli_phylogroup)
) %>% 
  mutate(Phylogroup =
           if_else(Phylogroup == "Not Determined",
         Phylogroup = fct_infreq(Phylogroup)
  ) %>% 
  count(Study, Phylogroup, .drop = FALSE) %>% 
  group_by(Study) %>% 
  mutate(prop = n/sum(n)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fct_reorder(Phylogroup, prop),
             group = Study,
             fill = Study)) +
  geom_col(position = "dodge") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  labs(x = "Phylogroup",
       y = "Proportion") ->

Phylogroup distribution in isolates from this study comapred to the Horesh et al collection

Phylogroup distribution in isolates from this study comapred to the Horesh et al collection

if (write_figs) {
    width = 5,
    height = 4
    width = 5,
    height = 4

  btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata %>%
      Study = "Global",
      Phylogroup = Phylogroup,
      res = res,
      source = case_when(
        Isolation == "Unknown" ~ "Unknown",
        Isolation %in% c("Feces", "Rectal", "Rectal
                                                Swab") ~ "Stool",
        TRUE ~ "Invasive"
  btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
    filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      Study = "This Study",
      Phylogroup = ecoli_phylogroup,
      res = "ESBL/AmpC/Carbapenemase",
      source = "Stool"
) %>%
    Phylogroup =
        Phylogroup == "Not Determined" ~ "Unknown",
        grepl("clade|Shigella", Phylogroup) ~ "Other",
        TRUE ~ Phylogroup
  ) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  #  mutate(across(everything(), as.factor)) %>% */
  count(Study, Phylogroup, res, source, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  group_by(Study, res, source) %>%
  mutate(prop = n / sum(n),
         source = factor(source,
                      levels = c("Stool","Invasive","Unknown")
         )) %>%
    group = Study,
    fill = Study
  )) +
  geom_col(position = "dodge") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    x = "Phylogroup",
    y = "Proportion"
  ) +
  facet_grid(source ~ res) -> malawi_vs_global_pgroup_stratified

Phylogroup distribution in isolates from this study comapred to the Horesh et al collection, stratified by source of isolation and presence of ESBL/AmpC/carbapenemase gene. Includes only those isolates for which metadata is available to determine source of isolate (n = 3921)

Phylogroup distribution in isolates from this study comapred to the Horesh et al collection, stratified by source of isolation and presence of ESBL/AmpC/carbapenemase gene. Includes only those isolates for which metadata is available to determine source of isolate (n = 3921)

if (write_figs) {
    width = 6,
    height = 6

    width = 6,
    height = 6



  • any shiga toxin stx present assign STEC
  • if eae is present the assign aEPEC (atypical EPEC)/EPEC;
  • if both Shiga-toxin and eae present assign EHEC
  • if either aatA, aggR or aaiC present the assign EAEC;
  • if est ( sta1 in virulencefinder) or elt (ltcA in virulencefinder) present assign ETEC
  • if ipaH9.8 or ipaD, characteristic of the invasive virulence plasmid pINV present assignmen EIEC

Only 2 aEPEC/EPEC, 10 EAEC.

Malawi phylogeny

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% -> dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession 

rownames(dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession ) <-

 dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  select(lane, ST) %>% 
  group_by(ST) %>% 
  mutate(n = n(),
         ST = if_else(n == 1, "Other", ST)) %>% 
  mutate(ST = if_else(!ST %in% c("Novel", "Other"), 
                      paste0("ST", ST), ST)) %>% 
  arrange(fct_infreq(ST)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = lane, 
              names_from = ST,
              values_from = ST,
              values_fn = length,
              values_fill = 0) %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)
         ) %>% 
  relocate(Other, .after = everything()) %>% ->

rownames(mlst_onehot) <- mlst_onehot$lane

  ggtree(btESBL_coregene_tree_esco) %>%
      select(dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession, Phylogroup),
      width = 0.05,
      color = NA,
      font.size = 3,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      colnames_position = "top",
      colnames_offset_y = 3,
      hjust = 0
    ) +
      values = hue_pal()(8),
      name = "Phylogroup") + 
) %>%
  gheatmap(select(mlst_onehot, -lane),
           font.size = 2.5,
           color = NA,
           colnames_angle = 90,
           offset = .0022,
           colnames_offset_y = 3,
           colnames_position = "top",
           hjust = 0)  +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightgrey", "black"), guide = "none") +
  ) %>% 
  gheatmap(select(dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession, Pathotype),
           width = 0.05,
           font.size = 3,
           color = NA,
           colnames_angle = 90,
           offset = .001,
           colnames_offset_y = 3,
           colnames_position = "top",
           hjust = 0)  +
  scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "plasma")(6)[c(3,5)],
                    name = "Pathotype",
                    na.translate = FALSE) +
  ylim(NA, 540) + 
  annotate("text", x = 0.03, y = 520, label = "Sequence Type",
           size = 3) -> malawi_treeplot
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 1: Midpoint-rooted maximum-likelohood phylogeny of study isolates showing phylogroup and multilocus sequence type.

SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 1: Midpoint-rooted maximum-likelohood phylogeny of study isolates showing phylogroup and multilocus sequence type.

if (write_figs) {
    width = 9,
    height = 9
    width = 9,
    height = 9

AMR determinants

# add class ro which resistnce is conferred --------------------------------

quinolone <- "Par|Gyr|Par|Qnr|Qep|Nor|GyrA|GyrB|ParC|ParE"
tetracycline <- "Tet"
sulphonamide <- "Sul"
aminoglycoside <- "Str|Aad|Aac|Aph|Rmt|APH"
streptothricin <- "Sat"
macrolide <- "Mph|Mdf|Erm|Ere"
fosfomycin <- "Fos"
chloramphenicol <- "Cat|FloR|Cml"
trimethoprim <- "Dfr"
rifampicin <- "Arr"
ESBL <- "SHV_12"
penicillinase <- "OKP|SCO|LEN|LAP"
ampc <- "CMY"

btESBL_amrgenes %>% 
            by = c( "lane")) %>% 
  select(-genus) %>% 
  rename(gene = ref_seq) %>% 
  # add in QRDR mutations
    btESBL_qrdr_mutations %>% 
      filter(genus == "E. coli") %>% 
      select(-genus) %>% 
        by = c("variant" = "variant",
              "gene" =  "gene")
      ) %>% 
      select(gene, lane) %>% 
      unique() %>% 
      mutate(gene =
               gsub("(^.{1})", '\\U\\1',
                    perl = TRUE))
      ) %>% 
  filter(!grepl("AmpH|AMPH|AmpC|MrdA|MefB", gene)) %>% 
  # add in beta-lactamases
    select(btESBL_NCBI_phenotypic_bl, allele_name, class),
    by = c("gene" = "allele_name")) %>% 
  mutate(class = case_when(
    str_detect(gene, quinolone) ~ "Quinolone",
    str_detect(gene, tetracycline) ~ "Tetracycline",
    str_detect(gene, sulphonamide) ~ "Sulphonamide",
    str_detect(gene, aminoglycoside) ~ "Aminoglycoside",
    str_detect(gene, streptothricin) ~ "Streptothricin",
    str_detect(gene, macrolide) ~ "Macrolide",
    str_detect(gene, fosfomycin) ~ "Fosfomycin",
    str_detect(gene, chloramphenicol) ~ "Chloramphenicol",
    str_detect(gene, rifampicin) ~ "Rifampicin",
    str_detect(gene,trimethoprim) ~ "Trimethoprim",
    str_detect(gene,ESBL) ~ "ESBL",
    str_detect(gene,penicillinase) ~ "Penicillinase",
    str_detect(gene,ampc) ~ "AmpC",
    TRUE ~ class
  )) %>% 
  mutate(gene = if_else(gene == "TEM_95",
                        gene)) ->

### plot prevalence ----------------------------------------

amr %>% 
  group_by(class) %>% 
  mutate(n_class = length(class),
         n_genes_in_class = n_distinct(gene)) %>% 
  select(class, n_class,n_genes_in_class) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  arrange(n_class) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(end = cumsum(n_genes_in_class),
         start = lag(end, default = 0),
         textpos = start + 0.6 + 0.5 * (end - start)) -> annotate.df

amr %>% 
  group_by(class) %>% 
  mutate(n_class = length(class),
         n_genes_in_class = n_distinct(gene),
         gene = gsub("_", "-", gene)) %>% 
ggplot( aes(fct_reorder(fct_rev(fct_infreq(gene)), n_class), 
            fill = class)) + 
  geom_bar() +
  theme_bw() +
  coord_flip(ylim = c(-5,450),clip = "off", expand = FALSE, xlim = c(0, 76)) +
  annotate(geom = "segment",
             x = annotate.df$start + 0.5 + 0.2, 
             xend = annotate.df$end + 0.5 - 0.2, 
             y = -115, yend = -115 ) +
  annotate(geom = "text", y = -125,
           x = annotate.df$textpos,
           label = annotate.df$class, 
           size = 3, 
           hjust = 1) +
  labs(y = "Number of samples") + 
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0.2,0.5,0.2,4), "cm"),
        axis.title.y  = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none") -> amrplot


if (write_figs) {
    filename = here("figures/ecoli-genomics/amr_plot.pdf"),
    plot = amrplot,
    width = 6,
    height = 10
    filename = here("figures/ecoli-genomics/amr_plot.svg"),
    plot = amrplot,
    width = 6,
    height = 10

AMR mapped to tree

amr %>% 
  # filter(!gene %in% c("OqxA", "OqxB", "FosA")) %>% 
  # remove FosA as not in KpI which we are plottingh
         gene = gsub("_","-", gene)) %>% 
  group_by(class) %>% 
  mutate(n_class = length(class)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(gene) %>% 
  mutate(n_gene = length(gene)) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n_class), desc(n_gene)) %>% 
  select(-n_class, -n_gene) %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = lane,
              values_from = class,
              names_from = gene) %>% ->

amr %>% 
    # filter(!gene %in% c("OqxA", "OqxB", "FosA")) %>% 
           gene = gsub("_","-", gene)) %>% 
    group_by(class) %>% 
    mutate(n_class = length(class)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    group_by(gene) %>% 
    mutate(n_gene = length(gene)) %>% 
    arrange(desc(n_class), desc(n_gene)) %>% pull(class) %>% 
  unique() -> class_order

rownames(amr.ariba.maptotree) <- amr.ariba.maptotree$lane

colz = hue_pal()(13)
names(colz) <- sort(unique(amr %>% 
                             filter(class != "Fosfomycin") %>% 

ggtree(btESBL_coregene_tree_esco ) %>% 
#ggtree(tree) %>% 
        width = 5, 
        color = NA, 
        font.size = 3, 
        colnames_angle = 90, 
        colnames_position = "top", 
        colnames_offset_y = 0,
        hjust = 0,
        offset = 0
    ) +
  ylim(NA, 500) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "Class", values = colz, 
                    breaks = class_order,
                    na.translate = FALSE) ->
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

AMR determinants mapped back to phylogeny

AMR determinants mapped back to phylogeny

if (write_figs) {
    width = 12,
    height = 7)
    width = 12,
    height = 7)

Malawi isolates in a global context


 #prepare metadata ----------
# lookup list of horesh merged clusters 

  unique(grep("_", btESBL_ecoli_global_popPUNK_clusters$Cluster, value = TRUE)),
                data.frame(mergeclust = x,
                           splts = strsplit(x, "_")[[1]])) %>%
  mutate(splts = as.numeric(splts)) -> mergclust_lookup

  dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>%
      lane = lane,
      ST = ST,
      Phylogroup = Phylogroup,
      study = "dassim",
      Country = "Malawi",
      Continent = "Africa",
      Year = year(data_date),
      res = "ESBL/AmpC/Carbapenemase",
      source = "Colonising"
    ) %>%
      by = "lane"
  btESBL_ecoli_musicha_metadata %>%
      lane = lane,
      Cluster = Cluster,
      ST = if_else(,
      Phylogroup = phylogroup,
      study = "musicha",
      Country = "Malawi",
      Continent = "Africa",
      Year = Year
  btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata %>%
      assembly_name_recode =
        gsub("\\..*$", "", Assembly_name)
    ) %>%
    left_join(mergclust_lookup, by = c("PopPUNK" = "splts")) %>%
      lane = gsub(
      Cluster = if_else(!,
      ST = gsub("~", "", ST),
      Phylogroup = Phylogroup,
      study = "horesh",
      Country = Country,
      Continent = Continent,
      Year = case_when(
        Year == "Unknown" ~ NA_real_,
        grepl("s", Year) ~ as.numeric(gsub("s", "", Year)),
        grepl("-", Year) ~ as.numeric(gsub("-.*$", "", Year)),
        TRUE ~ as.numeric(str_trim(Year))
      Pathotype = Pathotype,
      res = res,
      source = case_when(
        Isolation == "Unknown" ~ "Unknown",
        Isolation %in% c("Feces", "Rectal", "Rectal
                                                Swab") ~ "Colonising",
        TRUE ~ "Infecting"
) %>%
    Continent =
        grepl("America", Continent) ~ "Americas", ~ "Unknown",
        TRUE ~ Continent
  ) %>%
    cluster_recode =
            "\\<1", 2:1153, "1184\\>"
          ), collapse = "\\>|\\<"),
        ) &
          !grepl("_", Cluster),
    cluster_recode = factor(
      levels =
              gsub("_.*$", "", unique(cluster_recode))
    Phylogroup =
        Phylogroup %in% c(
          "Unknown", "Not Determined",
          "E or cladeI"
        ) ~
        "Unknown", ~ "Unknown",
        TRUE ~ Phylogroup
  ) -> df_all
#> Warning: There were 3 warnings in `transmute()`.
#> The first warning was:
#>  In argument: `Year = case_when(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! NAs introduced by coercion
#>  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 2 remaining warnings.
df_all <-

write_csv(df_all, here("tables/ecoli-genomics/horesh_globaltree_metadata.csv"))

rownames(df_all) <- df_all$lane

#define color palettes

pgroup_cols <- c(brewer_pal(type = "qual", palette = 8)(10),
  names(pgroup_cols) <- sort(unique(df_all$Phylogroup))

continent_cols <- c(viridis_pal(option = "plasma")(5),
names(continent_cols) <- sort(unique(df_all$Continent))

country_cols <-
  c("Malawi" =  "grey15",
    "Not Malawi" = "lightgrey")

btESBL_ecoli_globaltree -> horesh_context_tree

popPUNK_clusts_inplots <- 
  df_all %>% 
   filter(lane %in% 
             3555, levels_back = 0)$tip.label,
               5404, levels_back = 0)$tip.label,
               5652, levels_back = 0)$tip.label)
  ) %>% 
  select(cluster_recode) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  arrange(cluster_recode) %>% 
popPUNK_cols <- c(
  "dodgerblue2", "#E31A1C", # red
  "#6A3D9A", # purple
  "#FF7F00", # orange
  "black", "gold1",
  "skyblue2", "#FB9A99", # lt pink
  "#CAB2D6", # lt purple
  "#FDBF6F", # lt orange
  "gray70", "khaki2",
  "maroon", "orchid1", "deeppink1", "blue1", "steelblue4",
  "darkturquoise", "green1", "yellow4", "yellow3",
  "darkorange4", "brown"
#   c(
#   "palegreen2",
#   "#E31A1C",
#   "green4",
#   "#6A3D9A",
#   "#FF7F00",
#   "steelblue4",
#   "gold1",
#   "skyblue2",
#   "dodgerblue2",
#   "#FDBF6F",
#   "gray70",
#   "maroon",
#   "orchid1",
#   "darkturquoise",
#   "darkorange4",
#   "brown",
#   "white"
# )

names(popPUNK_cols) <- df_all %>% 
  filter(lane %in% 
             3565, levels_back = 0)$tip.label,
               5404, levels_back = 0)$tip.label,
               5652, levels_back = 0)$tip.label)
  ) %>% 
  select(cluster_recode) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  arrange(cluster_recode) %>% 

popPUNK_cols <- popPUNK_cols[!]

offset_add <- 0
          ggtree(btESBL_ecoli_globaltree, size = 0.2) %<+%
            (select(df_all, lane, ST) %>%
                 ST = if_else(ST == 167,
                              as.character("hilight"), NA_character_)
               ))  %>%
              select(df_all, `Year`),
              font.size = 4,
              width = 0.03,
              colnames_position = "top",
              color = NA,
              colnames_offset_y = 5,
              colnames_angle = 90,
              offset = 0.0006 + offset_add,
              hjust = 0
            )  +
            scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Year", na.value = "white",
                                 guide = guide_colorbar(order = 2)) +
        ) %>%
            select(df_all, Continent),
            font.size = 4,
            width = 0.03,
            colnames_position = "top",
            color = NA,
            colnames_offset_y = 5,
            colnames_angle = 90,
            offset = 0.0012 + offset_add,
            hjust = 0
          ) +
          scale_fill_manual(values = 
                            name = "Continent",
                            guide = guide_legend(order = 3)) +
      ) %>%
          select(df_all, Country) %>%
            mutate(Country = if_else(
              Country == "Malawi",
              "Malawi", "Not Malawi"
          font.size = 4,
          width = 0.03,
          colnames_position = "top",
          color = NA,
          colnames_offset_y = 5,
          colnames_angle = 90,
          offset = 0.0018 + offset_add,
          hjust = 0
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = country_cols,
                          name = "Country",
                          guide = guide_legend(order = 4)) +
    ) %>%
        select(df_all, Phylogroup) %>% 
          mutate(Phylogroup = if_else(
        width = 0.03,
        color = NA,
        font.size = 4,
        colnames_angle = 90,
        colnames_position = "top",
        colnames_offset_y = 3,
        hjust = 0,
        offset = 0 + offset_add
      ) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = pgroup_cols,
      name = "Phylogroup",
      na.translate = FALSE,
      guide = guide_legend(order = 1)) +
  ) +
    ylim(NA, 3550) +# + geom_tippoint(aes(color = ST)) + 
    geom_treescale(y = 2366, x = 0.004,offset = 30)  -> p
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

  p + geom_hilight( node = 3565, alpha = 0.3,
                    fill = "steelblue",
                    color = NA) +  # phylogroup A
    geom_cladelabel(node = 3565, label = "C", barsize = 0,offset = 0) +
    geom_highlight(node = 5404, alpha = 0.3, fill = "steelblue",
                   color = NA, extend = 0.0002) + # st 410 and context
    geom_cladelabel(node = 5404, label = "B", barsize = 0,offset = 0) +
    geom_highlight(node = 5652, alpha = 0.3, fill = "steelblue",
                   color = NA) + # ST131
    geom_cladelabel(node = 5652, label = "D", barsize = 0,offset = 0) -> p

  # phylo a subreee -----------

offset_add <- 0.0000 #0.0015
textsize <-  3
cladelab_offset <- 0.0001
tippoint_alpha = 0.7

      btESBL_ecoli_globaltree, 3565, levels_back = 0)
    ) %<+% select(df_all, lane, cluster_recode) %>% 
    select(df_all, Country) %>%
      mutate(Country = if_else(
        Country == "Malawi",
        "Malawi", "Not Malawi")),
    font.size = 3,
    width = 0.04,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = offset_add,
    hjust = 0
    ) +
      values = country_cols, 
      name = "Country",
      guide = "none") + 
      guides(fill = "none") + 
) + 
   ylim(NA, 100) +
   geom_tippoint(aes(color = cluster_recode), 
                na.rm = TRUE,
                size = 1,
                alpha = tippoint_alpha) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "PopPUNK\nCluster",
                       values = popPUNK_cols,
                       na.translate = FALSE) +
  geom_treescale(y = 66,
                 x = 0.00005,
                 offset  = 2,
                 width = 0.00001) -> p_phylo_a_subtree
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

p_phylo_a_subtree + 
  geom_cladelabel(node = 119, label = "ST167", 
                  fontsize = textsize,
                  offset = 0.00002,
                  offset.text = 0.000005) +
  geom_cladelabel(node = 99, label = "ST167", 
                  fontsize = textsize,
                  offset = 0.0001665,
                  offset.text = 0.000005) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")  +
    color = guide_legend(
      nrow = 2,
      byrow = TRUE,
      override.aes = list(alpha = 1))
    ) ->
# ST131 zoom

offset_add <- 0.0004
      btESBL_ecoli_globaltree, 5652, levels_back = 0)
    ) %<+% select(df_all, lane, cluster_recode) %>%
      select(df_all, Country) %>%
      mutate(Country = if_else(
        Country == "Malawi",
        "Malawi", "Not Malawi")),
      font.size = 3,
      width = 0.07,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 0,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      offset =  offset_add,
      hjust = 0
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = country_cols, 
                        name = "Country",
                        guide = "none") +
) +
  ylim(NA, 125) +
  geom_tippoint(aes(color = cluster_recode), 
                na.rm = TRUE, 
                size = 1,
                alpha = tippoint_alpha) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "PopPUNK\nCluster",
                     values = popPUNK_cols,
                     na.translate = FALSE) +
  geom_treescale(y = 83,
                 x = 0.0001,
                 offset  = 3.6,
                 width = 0.0001) -> p_st131_subtree
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

p_st131_subtree + 
  geom_cladelabel(node = 104, label = "ST131", 
                  fontsize = textsize,
                  offset = 0.0001,
                  offset.text = 0.00002) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(
    nrow = 2,
    byrow = TRUE,
    override.aes = list(alpha = 1)) 
    ) -> plot_st131tree

# st410 subtree

offset_add <- 0.00007
# offset_multiple <- 0.00008

      btESBL_ecoli_globaltree, 5404, levels_back = 0)
    ) %<+% select(df_all, lane, cluster_recode) %>%
    select(df_all, Country) %>%
      mutate(Country = if_else(
        Country == "Malawi",
        "Malawi", "Not Malawi")),
    font.size = 3,
    width = 0.055,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = offset_add,
    hjust = 0,
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = country_cols, 
                      name = "Country",
                      guide = "none") +
) +
  ylim(NA, 60) +
  geom_tippoint(aes(color = cluster_recode),
                na.rm = TRUE,
                size = 1,
                alpha = tippoint_alpha) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "PopPUNK\nCluster",
                     values = popPUNK_cols,
                     na.translate = FALSE) +
  geom_treescale(y = 40,
                 x = offset_add/2,
                 offset  = 1,
                 width = 0.00001) -> p_st410_subtree
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

p_st410_subtree +
  geom_cladelabel(48, label = "ST410", 
                  fontsize = textsize,
                  offset = offset_add/5,
                  offset.text = 0.000002) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")  +
    color = guide_legend(
      nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
         override.aes = list(alpha = 1)
    ) -> plot_st410tree

(plot_st410tree + plot_phyloa_subtree + plot_st131tree) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + plot_layout(guides = "collect") & 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")   -> subtreesplot

p / (subtreesplot) + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(guides = "collect", heights = c(2.5,1)) -> global_tree_plot

# height 12, width 9 loooks gooooooood
#> Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
A: Malawian E. coli isolates in a global phylogeny. All genomes from Musicha et al along with 500 context genomes from Horesh et al are included. Heatmaps show Phylogroup, year of collection, continent of collection and country (Malawi vs other). Highlighted areas and subtrees B-D show the phylogenetic context of the three commonest STs in this study: ST410 (B), ST167 (C) and ST131 (D). The tree tips in the subtree plots are coloured by popPUNK cluster assignment, with novel clusters that were not identified in the original Horesh collection given no color.

A: Malawian E. coli isolates in a global phylogeny. All genomes from Musicha et al along with 500 context genomes from Horesh et al are included. Heatmaps show Phylogroup, year of collection, continent of collection and country (Malawi vs other). Highlighted areas and subtrees B-D show the phylogenetic context of the three commonest STs in this study: ST410 (B), ST167 (C) and ST131 (D). The tree tips in the subtree plots are coloured by popPUNK cluster assignment, with novel clusters that were not identified in the original Horesh collection given no color.

if (write_figs) {
    width = 9,
    height = 13)
    width = 9,
    height = 12)

PopPUNK clusters

df_all %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  mutate(res = if_else(grepl("No", res), "No ESBL", "ESBL")) %>%
  group_by(study) %>%
  mutate(n_tot_study = n()) %>%
  group_by(Cluster, study) %>%
    n_cluster = n(),
    prop_cluster = n_cluster / unique(n_tot_study)
  ) %>%
  group_by(Cluster) %>%
  mutate(n_studies_cluster_is_in = length(Cluster)) %>%
      paste(c("\\<1", 2:49, "50\\>"), collapse = "\\>|\\<"),
    ) |
      n_studies_cluster_is_in > 1 |
      study == "dassim"
  ) %>%
  filter(!(study == "dassim" & n_cluster <= 3 & n_studies_cluster_is_in == 1)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    prop_cluster =
        study == "dassim",
        -1 * prop_cluster,
    Cluster = factor(
      levels =
              gsub("_.*$", "", unique(Cluster))
  ) %>%
    study = case_when(
      study == "dassim" ~ "This Study",
      TRUE ~ "Horesh et al."
    study = factor(study, levels = c("This Study", "Horesh et al."))
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = prop_cluster, y = fct_rev(Cluster), fill = study)) +
  geom_col(color = "black", size = 0.2) +
  theme_bw() +
    y = "PopPUNK cluster", fill = "",
    x = "Proportion of samples"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = c(0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(
    viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(8)[c(2)],
  )) +
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 7),
    legend.position = "bottom"
  ) -> p1
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Cluster'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

df_all %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
    study = case_when(
      study == "dassim" ~ "This Study",
      TRUE ~ "Horesh Collection"
    study = factor(study, levels = c("This Study", "Horesh Collection"))
  ) %>%
  mutate(Cluster = factor(
    levels =
            gsub("_.*$", "", unique(Cluster))
  )) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Cluster, color = study, group = study)) +
  stat_ecdf(pad = TRUE, geom = "step") +
    breaks = as.character(c(1, seq(from = 100, to = 1400, by = 100))),
    expand = c(0.01, 0.01)
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    y = "Cumulative proportion",
    x = "PopPUNK cluster", color = ""
  ) +
    xintercept = "1184",
    alpha = 0.8,
    linetype = "dotted"
  ) +
    values = c(
      viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(8)[c(2)],
    guide = "none"
  ) +
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7),
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 5),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) -> p2

    p1 +
      (p2 + plot_spacer() + plot_layout(ncol = 1))
  ) + plot_layout(ncol = 2, guides = "collect") +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") -> pp_cluster_plots

PopPUNK cluster assignments of isolates from this study, using the Horesh et al database. A: Proportion of samples assigned to a given cluster for this study (left) and the Horesh collection (right); clusters are ordered numerically which by definition is form largest to smallest in the Horesh collection. B: Cumulative proportion of isolates with cluster membership, with clusters again ordered numerically (i.e. largest to smallest). Dotted line indicates the end of clusters defined in the original Horesh popPUNK database; clusters to the right of this line are newly defined in the isolates in this study.

PopPUNK cluster assignments of isolates from this study, using the Horesh et al database. A: Proportion of samples assigned to a given cluster for this study (left) and the Horesh collection (right); clusters are ordered numerically which by definition is form largest to smallest in the Horesh collection. B: Cumulative proportion of isolates with cluster membership, with clusters again ordered numerically (i.e. largest to smallest). Dotted line indicates the end of clusters defined in the original Horesh popPUNK database; clusters to the right of this line are newly defined in the isolates in this study.

if (write_figs) {
    width = 6,
    height = 6
    width = 6,
    height = 6

# get clusters to include

df_all %>%
  mutate(res = if_else(grepl("No", res), "No ESBL", "ESBL")) %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  group_by(study) %>%
  mutate(n_tot_study = n()) %>%
  group_by(Cluster, study) %>%
    n_cluster = n(),
    prop_cluster = n_cluster / unique(n_tot_study)
  ) %>%
  group_by(Cluster) %>%
  mutate(n_studies_cluster_is_in = length(Cluster)) %>%
      paste(c("\\<1", 2:49, "50\\>"), collapse = "\\>|\\<"),
    ) |
      n_studies_cluster_is_in > 1 |
      study == "dassim"
  ) %>%
  filter(!(study == "dassim" & 
           n_cluster <= 3 & n_studies_cluster_is_in == 1)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  pull(Cluster) %>%
  unique() -> clusters_to_include
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Cluster'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

df_all %>%
  mutate(res = if_else(grepl("No", res), "No ESBL", "ESBL")) %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  group_by(study) %>%
  filter(source != "Unknown") %>%
  mutate(n_tot_study = n()) %>%
  group_by(Cluster, study, res, source) %>%
    n_cluster = n(),
    prop_cluster = n_cluster / unique(n_tot_study)
  ) %>%
  filter(Cluster %in% clusters_to_include) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    prop_cluster =
        study == "dassim",
        -1 * prop_cluster,
    Cluster = factor(
      levels =
              gsub("_.*$", "", unique(Cluster))
  ) %>%
    var = case_when(
      study == "dassim" ~ "This Study\nColonising",
      study == "horesh" & grepl("Colonising", source) ~ "Horesh et al.\nStool",
      TRUE ~ "Horesh et al.\nInvasive"
    var = factor(var, levels = sort(unique(var))[c(3, 2, 1)])
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = prop_cluster, y = fct_rev(Cluster), fill = var)) +
  geom_col(color = "black", size = 0.2) +
  theme_bw() +
    y = "PopPUNK cluster", fill = "",
    x = "Proportion of samples"
  ) +
  # scale_x_continuous(labels = c(0.1,0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) +
    values = c(
      viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(8)[c(2, 8, 6)]
    breaks = c(
      "This Study\nColonising",
      "Horesh et al.\nInvasive",
      "Horesh et al.\nStool"
  ) +
    values = c(
      viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(8)[c(2, 8, 6)]
    breaks = c(
      "This Study\nColonising",
      "Horesh et al.\nInvasive",
      "Horesh et al.\nStool"
  ) +
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 7),
    legend.position = "bottom"
  ) +
  facet_wrap(. ~ res) +
    breaks = c(-0.1, 0, 0.1),
    labels = c(0.1, 0.0, 0.1)
  ) -> a
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Cluster', 'study', 'res'. You can override
#> using the `.groups` argument.

df_all %>%
  mutate(res = as.factor(if_else(grepl("No", res), "No ESBL", "ESBL"))) %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  #   filter(source != "Unknown")  %>%
  mutate(Cluster = factor(
    levels =
            gsub("_.*$", "", unique(Cluster))
  )) %>%
    var = case_when(
      study == "dassim" ~ "This Study\nColonising",
      study == "horesh" & grepl("Colonising", source) ~ "Horesh et al.\nStool",
      TRUE ~ "Horesh et al.\nInvasive"
    var = factor(var, levels = sort(unique(var))[c(3, 2, 1)])
  ) %>%
  count(Cluster, var, res, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  filter(!(grepl("This Study", var) & res == "No ESBL")) %>%
  group_by(var, res) %>%
    cumsum = cumsum(n),
    sum = sum(n),
    prop = cumsum / sum
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Cluster, prop, color = var, fill = var, group = var)) +
  geom_step() +
  theme_bw() +
    y = "Cumulative proportion",
    x = "PopPUNK cluster", color = ""
  ) +
    xintercept = "1184",
    alpha = 0.8,
    linetype = "dotted"
  ) +
    values = c(
      viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(8)[c(2, 8, 6)]
    breaks = c(
      "This Study\nColonising",
      "Horesh et al.\nInvasive",
      "Horesh et al.\nStool"
    guide = "none"
  ) +
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 7),
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 5),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  facet_wrap(. ~ res, ncol = 1) +
    breaks = as.character(c(1, seq(from = 100, to = 1400, by = 100))),
    expand = c(0.01, 0.01)
  ) -> b

(p1 + (plot_spacer() + p2 + plot_layout(ncol = 1)) + plot_layout(
  guides =
    "auto", widths = c(1.7, 1)
)) +
  a + (b + plot_layout(ncol = 1)) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") -> pp_cluster_plots_stratified

PopPUNK cluster assignments of isolates from this study, using the Horesh et al database. A: Proportion of samples assigned to a given cluster for this study (left) and the Horesh collection (right); clusters are ordered numerically which by definition is form largest to smallest in the Horesh collection. B: Cumulative proportion of isolates with cluster membership, with clusters again ordered numerically (i.e. largest to smallest). Dotted line indicates the end of clusters defined in the original Horesh popPUNK database; clusters to the right of this line are newly defined in the isolates in this study. C-E: The same plots but restricted to samples for which metadata on source of isolation is available (n = 3921) and stratfied by source and presence of absence of ESBL gene. Isolates with an identifiable ampC or carbapenemase gene are included in this category.

PopPUNK cluster assignments of isolates from this study, using the Horesh et al database. A: Proportion of samples assigned to a given cluster for this study (left) and the Horesh collection (right); clusters are ordered numerically which by definition is form largest to smallest in the Horesh collection. B: Cumulative proportion of isolates with cluster membership, with clusters again ordered numerically (i.e. largest to smallest). Dotted line indicates the end of clusters defined in the original Horesh popPUNK database; clusters to the right of this line are newly defined in the isolates in this study. C-E: The same plots but restricted to samples for which metadata on source of isolation is available (n = 3921) and stratfied by source and presence of absence of ESBL gene. Isolates with an identifiable ampC or carbapenemase gene are included in this category.

if (write_figs) {
    width = 8,
    height = 12
    width = 8,
    height = 12

df_all %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  group_by(study, Cluster, ST) %>%
  summarise(n_ST = n()) %>%
  group_by(study, Cluster) %>%
  mutate(n_cluster = sum(n_ST))  %>%
    cluster_size = n_cluster,
            STprop = n_ST/n_cluster,
            STpropstr =
              paste0("ST", ST," (",
              formatC(n_ST / n_cluster, 2, format = "f"), ")"),
    )  ->
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.
#> Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
#> dplyr 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `reframe()` instead.
#>  When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
#>   always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.

df_clusttab$STpropstr <- 
  factor(df_clusttab$STpropstr, levels = unique(
                                decreasing = TRUE)])

df_clusttab %>% 
  filter(STprop >= 0.01) %>% 
    id_cols = c(Cluster),
   names_from = study,
   values_from = c(cluster_size,STpropstr),
   values_fn = list( STpropstr = function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse = ";"),
                     cluster_size = unique),
   values_fill = list(STpropstr = "-",
                      cluster_size = 0)
     ) %>% 
  arrange(desc(cluster_size_dassim), desc(cluster_size_horesh)) %>% 
  filter(cluster_size_dassim > 0) %>% 
    df_all %>%
    filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
    group_by(Cluster) %>% 
    summarise(pgroup = names(sort(table(Phylogroup), decreasing=TRUE)[1]))
  ) ->
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Cluster)`

df_all %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  group_by(study, Cluster, Continent) %>%
  summarise(n_continent = n()) %>%
  group_by(study, Cluster) %>%
  mutate(n_cluster = sum(n_continent))  %>%
    cluster_size = n_cluster,
            contprop = n_continent/n_cluster,
            contpropstr =
              paste0( Continent," (",
              formatC(n_continent / n_cluster, 2, format = "f"), ")"),
    )  ->
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.
#> Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
#> dplyr 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `reframe()` instead.
#>  When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
#>   always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.

df_clust.cont$contpropstr <- 
  factor(df_clust.cont$contpropstr, levels = unique(
                                decreasing = TRUE)])

df_clust.cont %>% 
    id_cols = c(Cluster),
   names_from = study,
   values_from = contpropstr,
   values_fn = function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse = ";"),
   values_fill = "-",
) %>% 
  arrange(desc(cluster_size_dassim), desc(cluster_size_horesh)) ->
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Cluster)`

df_all %>%
  filter(study %in% c("dassim", "horesh")) %>%
  mutate(Pathotype = gsub(" \\(predicted\\)","", Pathotype)) %>% 
  group_by(study, Cluster, Pathotype) %>%
  summarise(n_path = n()) %>%
  group_by(study, Cluster) %>%
  mutate(n_cluster = sum(n_path))  %>%
    cluster_size = n_cluster,
            pathprop = n_path/n_cluster,
            pathpropstr =
              paste0( Pathotype," (",
              formatC(n_path / n_cluster, 2, format = "f"), ")"),
    )  ->
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.
#> Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
#> dplyr 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `reframe()` instead.
#>  When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
#>   always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'study', 'Cluster'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.

df_clust.path$pathpropstr <- 
  factor(df_clust.path$pathpropstr, levels = unique(
                                decreasing = TRUE)])

df_clust.path %>% 
    id_cols = c(Cluster),
   names_from = study,
   values_from = pathpropstr,
   values_fn = function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse = ";"),
   values_fill = "-",
  ) %>% 
    Cluster = Cluster,
    horesh_pathotype = horesh,
)) ->
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Cluster)`

df_clusttab %>%
         ) %>%
  kbl(caption =
        "Cluster assigment of samples from this study compared to Horesh collection",
      col.names = c("Cluster","Phylogroup",
                    "n isolates",
                    "STs"),2),"Location", "Pathotype")
      ) %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = FALSE) %>% 
  add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "This Study" = 2, "Horesh Collection" = 4))
Cluster assigment of samples from this study compared to Horesh collection
This Study
Horesh Collection
Cluster Phylogroup n isolates STs n isolates STs Location Pathotype
2 B2 53 ST131 (1.00) 781 ST131 (0.99) Europe (0.73);Unknown (0.12);Americas (0.11);Oceania (0.03);Asia (0.00) ExPEC (0.54);Not determined (0.46)
40_708 C 44 ST410 (1.00) 29 ST23 (0.41);ST410 (0.34);ST2230 (0.07);ST369 (0.07);ST5491 (0.07);ST5286 (0.03) Europe (0.62);Americas (0.31);Asia (0.07) ExPEC (0.55);STEC (0.21);ETEC (0.17);Not determined (0.07)
684 A 29 ST44 (1.00) 1 ST44 (1.00) Europe (1.00) ExPEC (1.00)
451 B2 27 ST636 (1.00) 1 ST636 (1.00) Americas (1.00) ExPEC (1.00)
434_505 A 24 ST167 (0.92);ST10 (0.08) 3 ST10 (1.00) Americas (0.67);Europe (0.33) ExPEC (0.67);Not determined (0.33)
44_579 F 17 ST648 (1.00) 26 ST648 (1.00) Europe (0.42);Unknown (0.38);Americas (0.19) ExPEC (0.73);Not determined (0.27)
1186 A 17 ST656 (1.00) 0
290 A 16 ST46 (1.00) 2 ST46 (1.00) Americas (1.00) ExPEC (0.50);Not determined (0.50)
1187 B1 15 ST940 (1.00) 0
125 A 13 ST617 (0.92);ST4981 (0.08) 7 ST617 (1.00) Americas (0.71);Europe (0.29) ExPEC (0.57);Not determined (0.43)
1188 A 12 ST167 (1.00) 0
1110 F 11 ST1722 (1.00) 1 ST1722 (1.00) Europe (1.00) ExPEC (1.00)
288 A 9 ST5824 (1.00) 3 ST227 (1.00) Americas (1.00) Not determined (1.00)
20 B2 8 ST131 (1.00) 48 ST131 (0.96);ST5432 (0.02);ST5494 (0.02) Europe (0.75);Americas (0.12);Unknown (0.10);Oceania (0.02) ExPEC (0.71);Not determined (0.29)
37 D 8 ST405 (1.00) 27 ST405 (0.96);ST964 (0.04) Europe (0.63);Americas (0.33);Asia (0.04) ExPEC (0.81);Not determined (0.11);ETEC (0.04);STEC (0.04)
1189 A 8 ST1421 (1.00) 0
7 D 7 ST69 (1.00) 174 ST69 (0.94);ST106 (0.03) Europe (0.83);Americas (0.12);Unknown (0.05) ExPEC (0.79);Not determined (0.19);EAEC (0.02)
1190 A 7 ST9847 (1.00) 0
1191 D 6 ST38 (0.83);STNovel (0.17) 0
92 A 5 ST10 (1.00) 10 ST10 (1.00) Europe (0.60);Americas (0.40) ExPEC (0.60);Not determined (0.40)
164 A 5 ST34 (1.00) 6 ST34 (1.00) Africa (0.67);Europe (0.33) EPEC (0.67);Not determined (0.33)
330 B1 5 ST101 (1.00) 2 ST101 (1.00) Europe (0.50);Unknown (0.50) Not determined (1.00)
1193 A 5 ST10 (1.00) 0
77 D 4 ST38 (1.00) 11 ST38 (0.73);ST315 (0.27) Europe (1.00) Not determined (0.82);ExPEC (0.18)
1195 D 4 ST6636 (1.00) 0
1196 D 4 ST38 (1.00) 0
3 B2 3 ST73 (1.00) 463 ST73 (0.94);ST104 (0.01) Europe (0.85);Americas (0.11);Unknown (0.03);Asia (0.00);Africa (0.00) ExPEC (0.83);Not determined (0.16);STEC (0.01);EAEC (0.00)
1194 A 3 ST48 (1.00) 0
1197 F 3 ST354 (1.00) 0
1198 B1 3 ST517 (1.00) 0
1199 F 3 ST354 (1.00) 0
1200 A 3 ST617 (1.00) 0
1201 A 3 ST46 (1.00) 0
1202 A 3 ST10 (1.00) 0
122 B1 2 ST443 (1.00) 6 ST443 (1.00) Europe (0.83);Asia (0.17) Not determined (0.67);EPEC (0.17);ExPEC (0.17)
328 B1 2 ST224 (1.00) 2 ST224 (1.00) Americas (1.00) ExPEC (0.50);Not determined (0.50)
1205 A 2 ST617 (1.00) 0
1206 A 2 ST3168 (1.00) 0
1207 A 2 ST2705 (1.00) 0
1208 B1 2 ST424 (1.00) 0
1209 E 2 ST219 (1.00) 0
1210 F 2 ST1722 (1.00) 0
1211 A 2 ST1201 (1.00) 0
1212 A 2 ST617 (1.00) 0
1213 A 2 ST48 (1.00) 0
63 D 1 ST38 (1.00) 17 ST38 (0.94);ST778 (0.06) Europe (0.59);Unknown (0.18);Americas (0.18);Asia (0.06) Not determined (0.53);ExPEC (0.47)
112 A 1 ST2089 (1.00) 7 ST2089 (1.00) Europe (0.71);Africa (0.14);Asia (0.14) Not determined (0.71);EPEC (0.29)
118 A 1 ST167 (1.00) 6 ST167 (1.00) Europe (1.00) Not determined (0.67);ExPEC (0.33)
276_370 B1 1 ST156 (1.00) 3 ST156 (0.67);ST348 (0.33) Americas (0.33);Europe (0.33);Asia (0.33) Not determined (0.67);ExPEC (0.33)
1162 B1 1 ST224 (1.00) 1 ST224 (1.00) Europe (1.00) Not determined (1.00)
776 F 1 ST1485 (1.00) 1 ST1485 (1.00) Europe (1.00) Not determined (1.00)
1192 D 1 ST391 (1.00) 0
1235 A 1 ST1237 (1.00) 0
1236 A 1 ST3489 (1.00) 0
1237 A 1 ST4981 (1.00) 0
1238 B1 1 ST3580 (1.00) 0
1239 F 1 ST648 (1.00) 0
1240 A 1 ST48 (1.00) 0
1241 Unknown 1 ST167 (1.00) 0
1242 A 1 ST191 (1.00) 0
1243 B1 1 ST2083 (1.00) 0
1244 A 1 ST48 (1.00) 0
1245 B1 1 ST2077 (1.00) 0
1246 B1 1 ST2852 (1.00) 0
1247 A 1 ST44 (1.00) 0
1248 Unknown 1 ST410 (1.00) 0
1249 Unknown 1 ST44 (1.00) 0
1250 A 1 ST617 (1.00) 0
1251 D 1 ST38 (1.00) 0
1252 B2 1 ST131 (1.00) 0
1253 B1 1 ST1081 (1.00) 0
1254 E 1 ST1944 (1.00) 0
1255 A 1 STNovel (1.00) 0
1256 Unknown 1 ST617 (1.00) 0
1257 A 1 ST10 (1.00) 0
1258 A 1 STNovel (1.00) 0
1259 Unknown 1 ST131 (1.00) 0
1260 A 1 ST226 (1.00) 0
1261 D 1 ST38 (1.00) 0
1262 A 1 ST10 (1.00) 0
1263 B1 1 ST155 (1.00) 0
1264 A 1 ST617 (1.00) 0
1265 A 1 STNovel (1.00) 0
1266 D 1 ST349 (1.00) 0
1267 F 1 ST354 (1.00) 0
1268 A 1 ST167 (1.00) 0
1269 Unknown 1 STNovel (1.00) 0
1270 A 1 ST1421 (1.00) 0
1271 B1 1 ST155 (1.00) 0
1272 A 1 ST609 (1.00) 0
1273 B2 1 ST131 (1.00) 0
1274 D 1 ST405 (1.00) 0
1275 B1 1 ST155 (1.00) 0
1276 B1 1 ST906 (1.00) 0
1277 A 1 ST617 (1.00) 0
1278 Unknown 1 ST167 (1.00) 0
1279 A 1 ST48 (1.00) 0
1280 A 1 ST1303 (1.00) 0
1281 A 1 ST6438 (1.00) 0
1282 A 1 ST206 (1.00) 0
1283 B1 1 ST1146 (1.00) 0
1284 B1 1 ST46 (1.00) 0
1285 A 1 ST401 (1.00) 0
1286 A 1 ST44 (1.00) 0
1287 A 1 ST10 (1.00) 0
1288 Unknown 1 ST48 (1.00) 0
1289 B1 1 ST155 (1.00) 0
1290 Unknown 1 ST10 (1.00) 0
1291 A 1 ST3856 (1.00) 0

if (write_figs) {
 write_csv(df_clusttab %>% 
               Cluster = Cluster,
               Phylogroup = pgroup,
               n_this_study = cluster_size_dassim,
               STs_this_study = STpropstr_dassim,
               n_horesh = cluster_size_horesh,
               STs_horesh = STpropstr_horesh,
               location_horesh = horesh,
               pathotype_horesh = horesh_pathotype),

# bits and bobs to calculate for manuscript

# how many clusters?

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  group_by(Cluster) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
#> [1] 87

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  group_by(Cluster) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
    median_size = median(n),
    lq = quantile(n, 0.25),
    uq = quantile(n, 0.75)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   median_size    lq    uq
#>         <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1           1     1     5

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  group_by(Cluster) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 87 × 2
#>    Cluster     n
#>    <chr>   <int>
#>  1 E1         53
#>  2 E2         46
#>  3 E3         45
#>  4 E4         33
#>  5 E5         27
#>  6 E6         22
#>  7 E7         18
#>  8 E8         17
#>  9 E9         16
#> 10 E10        15
#> # ℹ 77 more rows

dassimEcoli_BTEcoli.accession %>% 
  group_by(Cluster, ST) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 92 × 3
#> # Groups:   Cluster [87]
#>    Cluster ST        n
#>    <chr>   <chr> <int>
#>  1 E1      131      53
#>  2 E3      410      45
#>  3 E2      167      36
#>  4 E4      44       32
#>  5 E5      636      27
#>  6 E6      617      21
#>  7 E7      648      18
#>  8 E8      656      17
#>  9 E9      46       16
#> 10 E10     940      15
#> # ℹ 82 more rows

df_all %>% 
  filter(study == "dassim") %>% 
  mutate(numeric_cluster = as.numeric(
    clust_50orbelow =
             numeric_cluster <= 50 ~ "top 50",
             numeric_cluster <=1184 ~ "not top 50 but in horsh cluster",
             TRUE ~ "new cluster")
  ) %>% 
  group_by(clust_50orbelow) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
    tot = sum(n),
    prop = n/sum(n))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   clust_50orbelow                     n   tot  prop
#>   <chr>                           <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 new cluster                       175   473 0.370
#> 2 not top 50 but in horsh cluster   158   473 0.334
#> 3 top 50                            140   473 0.296

btESBL_ecoli_horesh_metadata %>% 
  mutate(clust_50orbelow =
             PopPUNK <= 50 ~ "top 50",
             PopPUNK <=1184 ~ "not top 50 but in horsh cluster",
             TRUE ~ "new cluster")
         ) %>% 
  group_by(clust_50orbelow) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
    tot = sum(n),
    prop = n/sum(n)) 
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   clust_50orbelow                     n   tot  prop
#>   <chr>                           <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 not top 50 but in horsh cluster  2459 10146 0.242
#> 2 top 50                           7687 10146 0.758
amr %>% 
  select(lane, class) %>% 
  unique() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(n_tot = length(unique(lane))) %>% 
  group_by(class) %>% 
  summarise(n = n(),
            n_tot = max(n_tot),
            prop = n/n_tot
#> # A tibble: 14 × 4
#>    class               n n_tot    prop
#>    <chr>           <int> <int>   <dbl>
#>  1 Aminoglycoside    469   473 0.992  
#>  2 AmpC               45   473 0.0951 
#>  3 Carbapenemase       1   473 0.00211
#>  4 Chloramphenicol   248   473 0.524  
#>  5 ESBL              472   473 0.998  
#>  6 Fosfomycin         28   473 0.0592 
#>  7 Macrolide         325   473 0.687  
#>  8 Penicillinase     347   473 0.734  
#>  9 Quinolone         407   473 0.860  
#> 10 Rifampicin          2   473 0.00423
#> 11 Streptothricin     69   473 0.146  
#> 12 Sulphonamide      468   473 0.989  
#> 13 Tetracycline      411   473 0.869  
#> 14 Trimethoprim      459   473 0.970

  df_all %>% 
    filter(study == "dassim", ST != "Novel") %>% 
    group_by(ST) %>% 
    summarise(n = n()) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
      m = median(n),
      min = min(n),
      lq = quantile(n, 0.25),
      uq = quantile(n, 0.75),
      max = max(n)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>       m   min    lq    uq   max
#>   <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1     2     1     1     9    64

  #QRDR stuff    

  btESBL_amrgenes %>% 
            by = c( "lane")) %>% 
  select(-genus) %>% 
  rename(gene = ref_seq) %>% 
  # add in QRDR mutations
    btESBL_qrdr_mutations %>% 
      filter(genus == "E. coli") %>% 
      select(-genus) %>% 
        by = c("variant" = "variant",
              "gene" =  "gene")
      ) %>% 
      unique() %>% 
      mutate(gene =
               gsub("(^.{1})", '\\U\\1',
                    perl = TRUE))
      ) %>% 
  filter(!grepl("AmpH|AMPH|AmpC|MrdA|MefB", gene)) %>% 
  # add in beta-lactamases
    select(btESBL_NCBI_phenotypic_bl, allele_name, class),
    by = c("gene" = "allele_name")) %>% 
  mutate(class = case_when(
    str_detect(gene, quinolone) ~ "Quinolone",
    str_detect(gene, tetracycline) ~ "Tetracycline",
    str_detect(gene, sulphonamide) ~ "Sulphonamide",
    str_detect(gene, aminoglycoside) ~ "Aminoglycoside",
    str_detect(gene, streptothricin) ~ "Streptothricin",
    str_detect(gene, macrolide) ~ "Macrolide",
    str_detect(gene, fosfomycin) ~ "Fosfomycin",
    str_detect(gene, chloramphenicol) ~ "Chloramphenicol",
    str_detect(gene, rifampicin) ~ "Rifampicin",
    str_detect(gene,trimethoprim) ~ "Trimethoprim",
    str_detect(gene,ESBL) ~ "ESBL",
    str_detect(gene,penicillinase) ~ "Penicillinase",
    str_detect(gene,ampc) ~ "AmpC",
    TRUE ~ class
  )) %>% 
    filter(class == "Quinolone") -> quinolone.amr
  quinolone.amr %>% 
    mutate(gene = paste0(gene, 
                           variant, ""))) %>% 
    select(lane,gene) %>% 
    unique() %>% 
    pivot_wider(id_cols = lane,
                names_from = gene,
                values_from = gene,
                values_fn = length,
                values_fill = 0) %>% 
    summarise(across(!contains("lane"), sum))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 10
#>    QepA Qnr_S1 QnrB19 QnrS2 QnrB6 QnrB1 GyrAS83L GyrAD87N ParCS80I ParCE84G
#>   <int>  <int>  <int> <int> <int> <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>    <int>
#> 1    47     57      2     1     2     2      351      294      296        8

quinolone.amr %>%
  group_by(lane) %>%
  summarise(qrdr = any(grepl("Gyr|Par", gene)),
            qnr = any(grepl("Qnr", gene)),
            qep = any(grepl("Qep", gene))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(qrdr_alone = sum(qrdr & !qnr & !qep),
            qnr_alone = sum(qnr & !qrdr & !qep),
            qrdr_qnr = sum(qrdr & qnr),
            qrdr_qep = sum(qrdr & qep),
            qnr_qep = sum(qnr & qep)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>   qrdr_alone qnr_alone qrdr_qnr qrdr_qep qnr_qep
#>        <int>     <int>    <int>    <int>   <int>
#> 1        299        56        6       47       1

btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>% 
  filter(species == "E. coli") %>% 
   mutate(ref_seq = gsub("_.+$","", ref_seq),
         ref_seq = gsub("\\.[0-9]","", ref_seq),
         ref_seq = case_when(
           grepl("Col", ref_seq) ~ "Col",
           grepl("rep", ref_seq) ~ "rep",
           grepl("^FIA", ref_seq) ~ "IncFIA",
           !grepl("Inc", ref_seq) ~ "Other",
           TRUE ~ ref_seq
          )) %>% 
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%  
  arrange(fct_infreq(ref_seq)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = lane,
              values_from = ref_seq,
              names_from = ref_seq,
              values_fn = length,
              values_fill = 0) %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ if_else(.x >= 1, "Present", "Absent"))) %>% ->

rownames(btESBL_plasmidreplicons_onehot) <- btESBL_plasmidreplicons_onehot$lane

ggtree(btESBL_coregene_tree_esco) %>% 
  gheatmap(select(btESBL_plasmidreplicons_onehot, -lane),
           font.size = 2.5,
           color = NA,
           colnames_angle = 90,
           offset = 0,
           colnames_offset_y = 3,
           colnames_position = "top",
           hjust = 0) +
  ylim(NA,550) +
  labs(fill = "Plasmid\nReplicon") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", "darkgrey"), 
                     na.translate = FALSE) -> plas_replicons_map_to_tree
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Plasmid replicons mapped back to tree

Plasmid replicons mapped back to tree

if (write_figs) {
    width = 6,
    height = 6)
    width = 6,
    height = 6)

ST410 trees

btESBL_ecoli_st410_metadata %>% 
  filter(accession %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree$tip.label) %>% 
    btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>% 
      filter(lane %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree$tip.label) %>% 
      transmute(accession = lane,
                `Collection Year` = year(data_date),
                host = "Homo sapiens",
                source = "Stool",
                Country = "Malawi")
  ) %>% 
    Year = `Collection Year`) %>% -> st410_metadata

if (write_figs) {
st410_metadata %>% 
  filter(Country != "Malawi") %>% 
  transmute(accession = accession,
            country = Country,
            year = Year) %>% 

st410_metadata$malawi <- st410_metadata$Country == "Malawi"

st410_metadata$Continent <- 
    sourcevar = st410_metadata$Country,
    origin = "",
    destination = ""
#> Warning: Some values were not matched unambiguously: -, Africa, Asia, Blantyre, Europe

st410_metadata %>%
    Continent = case_when(
      Country %in% c("Africa", "Asia", "Europe") ~
      Country == "Blantyre" ~ "Africa",
      TRUE ~ Continent
  ) ->

rownames(st410_metadata) <- st410_metadata$accession

btESBL_ecoli_st410_amr %>%
    names_from = gene,
    values_from = gene,
    values_fn = length,
    values_fill = 0
  ) %>%
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% ->

rownames(amr.ariba410) <- amr.ariba410$name

btESBL_ecoli_st410_amr %>%
    btESBL_amrgenes %>%
      filter(genus == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-genus) %>%
        name = lane,
        gene = ref_seq
  ) %>%
  filter(name %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree$tip.label) %>%
    select(btESBL_NCBI_phenotypic_bl, allele_name, class),
    by = c("gene" = "allele_name")
  ) %>%
  mutate(class = case_when(
    grepl("CMY", name) ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    class == "ESBL" ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    TRUE ~ class
  )) %>%
  filter(class %in% c("ESBL/AmpC", "Carbapenemase")) %>%
  mutate(gene = gsub("_", "-", gene)) %>%
  arrange(class, fct_infreq(gene)) %>%
    id_cols = "name",
    names_from = gene,
    values_from = class
  ) %>% ->
rownames(esbl_cpe.ariba410) <- esbl_cpe.ariba410$name

btESBL_ecoli_st410_plasmids %>%
    btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>%
        ref_seq = gsub("\\..*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("_.*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("^FIA", "IncFIA", ref_seq)
      ) %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-species) %>%
      rename(name = lane)
  ) %>%
  filter(name %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree$tip.label) %>%
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%
  unique() %>%
  arrange(fct_infreq(ref_seq)) %>%
    id_cols = name,
    names_from = ref_seq,
    values_from = ref_seq,
    values_fn = function(x) {
    values_fill = NA_character_
  ) %>% -> st410_plasm_onehot
rownames(st410_plasm_onehot) <- st410_plasm_onehot$name

    btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree) %<+% 
     (select(st410_metadata, accession, Country) %>% 
        mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi", "Malawi",NA_character_)))  %>%
       select(st410_metadata, `Year`),
       font.size = 4,
       width = 0.03,
       colnames_position = "top",
       color = NA,
       colnames_offset_y = 5,
       colnames_angle = 90,
       hjust = 0
     )  + 
     scale_fill_viridis(name = "Year", na.value = "white") +
     new_scale_fill()) %>% 
    select(st410_metadata, Continent),
    font.size = 4,
    width = 0.03,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 5,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000008,
    hjust = 0
  ) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "plasma", name = "Continent", na.translate =
                       FALSE) + 
  geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 0.5) + 
  scale_color_manual(values  = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
) %>% 
    select(esbl_cpe.ariba410, -name),
    font.size = 3,
    width = 0.6,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 5,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000016,
    hjust = 0
  ) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "magma")(5)[c(2,3)],
                        na.translate = FALSE,
                        name = "Beta-\nlactamase") +
) + # %>% 
  # gheatmap(
  #   select(st410_plasm_onehot, -name),
  #   font.size = 3,
  #   width = 0.5,
  #   colnames_position = "top",
  #   color = NA,
  #   colnames_offset_y = 5,
  #   colnames_angle = 90,
  #   offset = 0.0026,
  #   hjust = 0
  # ) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(7)[2],
  #                       na.translate = FALSE,
  #                       name = "Plasmid\nreplicon") +
  ylim(NA, 420) +
  geom_treescale(x = 0.00005, y = 250, offset = 5) +
   geom_highlight(node = 391 ,alpha = 0.3) +
    node = 391,
    label = "B4/H24RxC",
    angle = 90,
    offset = 0,
    offset.text = -0.000032,
    barsize = 0,
    hjust = 0.5,
    fontsize = 3,
    color = "steelblue"
  )  -> st410_globaltree_plot
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

if (write_figs) {

       st410_globaltree_plot, width = 9, height = 10)

       st410_globaltree_plot, width = 9, height = 10)
#> Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
#> Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: node,
#> parent
#>  This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
#>   the data.
#>  Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
#>   variable into a factor?
ST410 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

ST410 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

  btESBL_ecoli_globalst410_tree, 390, levels_back = 0)  -> st410_subtree

esbl_cpe.ariba410 %>%
  subset(name %in% st410_subtree$tip.label) %>% ->
    c(TRUE, apply(esbl_cpe.ariba410_subset[-1], 2, function(x) !all(
  ] ->

btESBL_ecoli_st410_plasmids %>%
    btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>%
        ref_seq = gsub("\\..*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("_.*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("^FIA", "IncFIA", ref_seq)
      ) %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-species) %>%
      rename(name = lane)
  ) %>%
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%
  filter(name %in% st410_subtree$tip.label) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(ref_seq) %>%
  mutate(n = n()) %>%
  filter(n > 2) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  arrange(fct_infreq(ref_seq)) %>%
    id_cols = name,
    names_from = ref_seq,
    values_from = ref_seq,
    values_fn = function(x) {
    values_fill = NA_character_
  ) %>% -> st410_plasm_onehot_subset
rownames(st410_plasm_onehot_subset) <- st410_plasm_onehot_subset$name

    (ggtree(st410_subtree, size = 0.3) %<+% (select(st410_metadata, accession, Country) %>% mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi", "Malawi", NA_character_))) %>%
        select(st410_metadata, `Year`),
        font.size = 4,
        width = 0.06,
        colnames_position = "top",
        color = NA,
        colnames_offset_y = 0,
        colnames_angle = 90,
        hjust = 0
      ) +
        name = "Year", limits = c(1978, 2020),
        na.value = "white"
      ) +
      new_scale_fill()) %>%
        select(st410_metadata, Continent),
        font.size = 4,
        width = 0.06,
        colnames_position = "top",
        color = NA,
        colnames_offset_y = 0,
        colnames_angle = 90,
        offset = 0.0000015,
        hjust = 0
      ) +
        option = "plasma", name = "Continent",
        na.translate = FALSE
      ) +
      geom_point2(aes(subset = as.numeric(label) < 95 & !isTip), size = 0.5) +
      geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 1) +
      scale_color_manual(values = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
  ) %>%
      select(esbl_cpe.ariba410_subset, -name),
      font.size = 2.5,
      width = 0.4,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 0,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      offset = 0.0000031,
      hjust = 0
    ) + scale_fill_manual(
      values = viridis_pal(option = "magma")(5)[c(2, 3)],
      na.translate = FALSE,
      name = "Beta-\nlactamase"
    ) +
) %>%
    select(st410_plasm_onehot_subset, -name),
    font.size = 2.5,
    width = 0.45,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.0000125,
    hjust = 0
  ) + scale_fill_manual(
    values = viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(7)[2],
    na.translate = FALSE,
    name = "Plasmid\nreplicon"
  ) +
  ylim(NA, 100) +
  geom_treescale(x = 0.000004, y = 66, offset = 2, width = 1e-6) ->
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

btESBL_ecoli_st167_plasmids %>%
    btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>%
        ref_seq = gsub("\\..*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("_.*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("^FIA", "IncFIA", ref_seq)
      ) %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-species) %>%
      rename(name = lane)
  ) %>%
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%
  filter(name %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree$tip.label) %>%
  unique() %>%
    id_cols = name,
    names_from = ref_seq,
    values_from = ref_seq,
    values_fn = function(x) {
    values_fill = NA_character_
  ) %>% -> st167_plasm_onehot

rownames(st167_plasm_onehot) <- st167_plasm_onehot$name

btESBL_ecoli_st167_metadata %>%
  filter(accession %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree$tip.label) %>%
    btESBL_sequence_sample_metadata %>%
      filter(lane %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree$tip.label) %>%
        accession = lane,
        `Collection Year` = year(data_date),
        `Source Niche` = "Human",
        Country = "Malawi"
  ) %>%
  rename(Year = `Collection Year`) %>% -> st167_metadata

if (write_figs) {
  st167_metadata %>%
    filter(Country != "Malawi") %>%
      accession = accession,
      source = `Source Niche`,
      country = Country,
      year = Year
    ) %>%

st167_metadata$malawi <- st167_metadata$Country == "Malawi"

st167_metadata$Continent <-
    sourcevar = st167_metadata$Country,
    origin = "",
    destination = ""
rownames(st167_metadata) <- st167_metadata$accession

btESBL_ecoli_st167_amr %>% 
    btESBL_amrgenes %>%
      filter(genus == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-genus) %>%
        name = lane,
        gene = ref_seq
  ) %>%
  filter(name %in% btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree$tip.label) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = gene, 
              values_from = gene,
              values_fn = length,
              values_fill = 0) %>%
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% ->

rownames(amr.ariba) <- amr.ariba$name

amr.ariba %>% 
  rename(sample = name) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-sample) %>% 
  filter(value == 1) %>% 
    by = c("name" = "allele_name")
  ) %>%  
  mutate(class = case_when(
    grepl("CMY", name) ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    class == "ESBL" ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    TRUE ~ class
        )) %>% 
  filter(class %in% c("ESBL/AmpC", "Carbapenemase") & value == 1) %>%
  mutate(name = gsub("_", "-", name)) %>% 
  arrange(class, fct_infreq(name)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = "sample",
              names_from = name,
              values_from = class) %>% ->

rownames(esbl_cpe.ariba) <- esbl_cpe.ariba$sample

(ggtree(btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree) %<+% 
   (select(st167_metadata, accession, Country) %>% 
      mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi", "Malawi",NA_character_)))  %>%
      select(st167_metadata, `Year`),
      font.size = 4,
      width = 0.03,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 0,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      hjust = 0
    )  + 
    scale_fill_viridis(name = "Year", na.value = "white") +
    new_scale_fill()) %>% 
    select(st167_metadata, Continent),
    font.size = 4,
    width = 0.03,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000003,
    hjust = 0
  ) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "plasma", name = "Continent", na.translate =
                       FALSE) + 
  geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 1) + 
  scale_color_manual(values  = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
) %>% 
  select(esbl_cpe.ariba, -sample),
  font.size = 3,
  width = (ncol(esbl_cpe.ariba) -1)*0.03,
  colnames_position = "top",
  color = NA,
  colnames_offset_y = 0,
  colnames_angle = 90,
  offset = 0.000006,
  hjust = 0
) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "magma")(5)[c(2,3)],
                      na.translate = FALSE,
                      name = "Beta-\nlactamase") +
)  +  
  ylim(NA, 150) +
    geom_highlight(node = 142, alpha = 0.3, fill = "steelblue",
                   color = NA) + 
  geom_treescale(x = 0.000015, y = 160*0.666, offset = 2, width = 0.00001) ->
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

ST167 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

ST167 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

if (write_figs) {

       st167_globaltree_plot, width = 8, height = 10)

       st167_globaltree_plot, width = 8, height = 10)

  btESBL_ecoli_globalst167_tree, 142, levels_back = 0) -> st167_subtree

esbl_cpe.ariba %>%
  subset(sample %in% st167_subtree$tip.label) %>% ->

  c(TRUE, apply(esbl_cpe.ariba167_subset[-1], 2, function(x) !all(
] ->

btESBL_ecoli_st167_plasmids %>%
    btESBL_plasmidreplicons %>%
        ref_seq = gsub("\\..*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("_.*$", "", ref_seq),
        ref_seq = gsub("^FIA", "IncFIA", ref_seq)
      ) %>%
      filter(species == "E. coli") %>%
      select(-species) %>%
      rename(name = lane)
  ) %>%
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%
  filter(name %in% st167_subtree$tip.label) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(ref_seq) %>%
  mutate(n = n()) %>%
  filter(n > 2) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  arrange(fct_infreq(ref_seq)) %>%
    id_cols = name,
    names_from = ref_seq,
    values_from = ref_seq,
    values_fn = function(x) {
    values_fill = NA_character_
  ) %>% -> st167_plasm_onehot_subset

rownames(st167_plasm_onehot_subset) <- st167_plasm_onehot_subset$name

cont_cols <- viridis_pal(option = "plasma")(4)
names(cont_cols) <- c("Africa","Americas", "Asia","Europe")

  (ggtree(st167_subtree, size = 0.3) %<+% (select(st167_metadata, accession, Country) %>% mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi", "Malawi",NA_character_)))  %>%
       select(st167_metadata, `Year`),
       font.size = 4,
       width = 0.06,
       colnames_position = "top",
       color = NA,
       colnames_offset_y = 0,
       colnames_angle = 90,
       hjust = 0
     )  + 
     scale_fill_viridis(name = "Year", limits = c(1978,2020),
                        na.value = "white") +
     new_scale_fill()) %>% 
      select(st167_metadata, Continent),
      font.size = 4,
      width = 0.06,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 0,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      offset = 0.000005,
      hjust = 0
    ) + 
    scale_fill_manual(values = cont_cols,
                      name = "Continent",
                      na.translate =
                      FALSE) + 
      geom_point2(aes(subset = as.numeric(label) < 95 & !isTip), size = 1) +
    geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 1) + 
    scale_color_manual(values  = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
) %>% 
    select(esbl_cpe.ariba167_subset, -sample),
    font.size = 2.5,
    width = 0.06*(ncol(esbl_cpe.ariba167_subset) - 1),
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.00001,
    hjust = 0
  ) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "magma")(5)[c(2,3)],
                        na.translate = FALSE,
                        name = "Beta-\nlactamase") +
    ) %>%   gheatmap(
    select(st167_plasm_onehot_subset, -name),
    font.size = 2.5,
    width = 0.045*(ncol(st167_plasm_onehot_subset) - 1) + 0.1,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 0,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000029,
    hjust = 0
  ) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(7)[2],
                        na.translate = FALSE,
                        name = "Plasmid\nreplicon") +
  ylim(NA, 60) +
  geom_treescale(x = 0.00001, y = 60*0.666, offset = 1, width = 1e-5) ->
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

if (write_figs) {
  btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata %>%
    filter(Country != "Malawi") %>%
btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$malawi <- btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Country == "Malawi"

btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Continent <-
    sourcevar = btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Country,
    origin = "",
    destination = ""
#> Warning: Some values were not matched unambiguously: Czech, Taiwan

  btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Country == "Czech"
] <- "Europe"

  btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Country == "Taiwan"
] <- "Asia"

rownames(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata) <- btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata$Accession_number

btESBL_ecoli_st131_amr %>%
    names_from = gene,
    values_from = gene,
    values_fn = length,
    values_fill = 0
  ) %>%
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% ->

rownames(amr.ariba131) <- amr.ariba131$name

btESBL_ecoli_st131_plasmids %>%
  filter(grepl("Inc", ref_seq)) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(ref_seq) %>%
  mutate(n = n()) %>%
  filter(n >= 10) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  arrange(fct_infreq(ref_seq)) %>%
    id_cols = name,
    names_from = ref_seq,
    values_from = ref_seq,
    values_fn = function(x) {
    values_fill = NA_character_
  ) %>% -> st131_plasm_onehot

rownames(st131_plasm_onehot) <- st131_plasm_onehot$name

esbl_cols <- viridis_pal(option = "magma")(5)[c(2, 3)]

names(esbl_cols) <- c("Carbapenemase", "ESBL/AmpC")

btESBL_ecoli_st131_amr %>%
    select(btESBL_NCBI_phenotypic_bl, allele_name, class),
    by = c("gene" = "allele_name")
  ) %>%
  mutate(class = case_when(
    grepl("CMY", name) ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    class == "ESBL" ~ "ESBL/AmpC",
    TRUE ~ class
  )) %>%
  filter(class %in% c("ESBL/AmpC", "Carbapenemase")) %>%
  mutate(gene = gsub("_", "-", gene)) %>%
  arrange(class, fct_infreq(gene)) %>%
    id_cols = "name",
    names_from = gene,
    values_from = class
  ) %>% ->
#  select(-`TEM-15`) ->    # not in df?
rownames(esbl_cpe.ariba131) <- esbl_cpe.ariba131$name

(ggtree(btESBL_ecoli_globalst131_tree, size = 0.2) %<+% 
   (select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, Accession_number, Country) %>% 
      mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi", "Malawi",NA_character_)))  %>%
      select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, `Year`),
      font.size = 4,
      width = 0.035,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 5,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      hjust = 0
    )  + 
     scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Year", limits = c(1965,2020),
                          na.value = "white") +
    new_scale_fill()) %>% 
    select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, Continent),
    font.size = 4,
    width = 0.035,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 5,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000005,
    hjust = 0
  ) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "plasma", name = "Continent", 
                       na.translate = FALSE) + 
  geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 1) + 
  scale_color_manual(values  = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
) %>% 
  select(esbl_cpe.ariba131, -name),
  font.size = 2.5,
  width = (ncol(esbl_cpe.ariba131) -1)*0.03,
  colnames_position = "top",
  color = NA,
  colnames_offset_y = 5,
  colnames_angle = 90,
  offset = 0.0000103,
  hjust = 0
) + scale_fill_manual(values = esbl_cols,
                      na.translate = FALSE,
                      name = "Beta-\nlactamase") +
)   %>%   gheatmap(
    select(st131_plasm_onehot, -name),
    font.size = 2.5,
    width = 0.026*(ncol(st131_plasm_onehot) - 1) + 0.1,
    colnames_position = "top",
    color = NA,
    colnames_offset_y = 5,
    colnames_angle = 90,
    offset = 0.000059,
    hjust = 0
  ) + scale_fill_manual(values = viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(7)[2],
                        na.translate = FALSE,
                        name = "Plasmid\nreplicon") + 
  ylim(NA, 1000) +
  geom_treescale(x = 0.00002, y = 1000*0.666, offset = 5, width = 0.00001)   +
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
      geom_point2(aes(subset = as.numeric(label) < 95 & !isTip), size = 0.5)  ->
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion
ST131 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

ST131 map-to-reference global maximum likelihood, midpoint rooted tree

st410_subtree_plot + st167_subtree_plot  + st131_globaltree_plot + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1,1.5),
              design = "AAAAACCCCCCCC
                        BBBBBCCCCCCCC") +
plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") +
plot_layout(guides = "collect") -> st410_167_131_subtree_plot

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion
E. coli ST140 (A) and ST167 (B) subtrees and (C) ST131 tree showing ESBL/CPE genes and plasmid replicons

E. coli ST140 (A) and ST167 (B) subtrees and (C) ST131 tree showing ESBL/CPE genes and plasmid replicons

if (write_figs) {

       st410_167_131_subtree_plot, width = 12, height = 8.2)

       st410_167_131_subtree_plot, width = 12, height = 8.2)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot subtree of ST131

tree_subset(btESBL_ecoli_globalst131_tree, 1090) -> st131_subtree

esbl_cpe.ariba131 %>%
  subset(name %in% st131_subtree$tip.label) %>% ->

  c(TRUE, apply(esbl_cpe.ariba131_subset[-1], 2, function(x) !all(
] ->

st131_plasm_onehot %>%
  subset(name %in% st131_subtree$tip.label) %>% -> st131_plasm_onehot_subset

  c(TRUE, apply(st131_plasm_onehot_subset[-1], 2, function(x) !all(
] ->


    (ggtree(tree_subset(btESBL_ecoli_globalst131_tree, 1090)) %<+%
      (select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, Accession_number, Country) %>%
        mutate(Country = if_else(Country == "Malawi",
          "Malawi", NA_character_
        ))) %>%
        select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, `Year`),
        font.size = 4,
        width = 0.035,
        colnames_position = "top",
        color = NA,
        colnames_offset_y = 0,
        colnames_angle = 90,
        hjust = 0
      ) +
        name = "Year", limits = c(1965, 2020),
        na.value = "white"
      ) +
      new_scale_fill()) %>%
        select(btESBL_ecoli_st131_metadata, Continent),
        font.size = 4,
        width = 0.03,
        colnames_position = "top",
        color = NA,
        colnames_offset_y = 0,
        colnames_angle = 90,
        offset = 0.0000008,
        hjust = 0
      ) +
        option = "plasma", name = "Continent",
        na.translate = FALSE
      ) +
      geom_tippoint(aes(color = Country), na.rm = TRUE, size = 1) +
      scale_color_manual(values = "red", na.translate = FALSE) +
  ) %>%
      select(esbl_cpe.ariba131_subset, -name),
      font.size = 2.5,
      width = (ncol(esbl_cpe.ariba131_subset) - 1) * 0.03,
      colnames_position = "top",
      color = NA,
      colnames_offset_y = 0,
      colnames_angle = 90,
      offset = 0.0000015,
      hjust = 0
    ) + scale_fill_manual(
      values = esbl_cols,
      na.translate = FALSE,
      name = "Beta-\nlactamase"
    ) +
) %>% gheatmap(
  select(st131_plasm_onehot_subset, -name),
  font.size = 2.5,
  width = 0.026 * (ncol(st131_plasm_onehot_subset) - 1) + 0.1,
  colnames_position = "top",
  color = NA,
  colnames_offset_y = 0,
  colnames_angle = 90,
  offset = 0.0000032,
  hjust = 0
) + scale_fill_manual(
  values = viridis_pal(option = "cividis")(7)[2],
  na.translate = FALSE,
  name = "Plasmid\nreplicon"
) +
  ylim(NA, 80) +
  geom_treescale(x = 0.000001, y = 55, offset = 1, width = 0.000001) +
  geom_point2(aes(subset = as.numeric(label) < 95 & !isTip), size = 0.5) ->
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion

#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion
E. coli ST131 subtree showing detail of CTX-M-27 isolates and one area in which Malawian isolates are monophyletic

E. coli ST131 subtree showing detail of CTX-M-27 isolates and one area in which Malawian isolates are monophyletic

if (write_figs) {

       st131_subtree_plot, width = 7, height = 6.5)

       st131_subtree_plot, width = 7, height = 6.5)

Reproducibility - packages, R version and OS used

#> R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
#> Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
#> Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.0
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib 
#> LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib;  LAPACK version 3.11.0
#> locale:
#> [1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8
#> time zone: Europe/London
#> tzcode source: internal
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] viridis_0.6.4      viridisLite_0.4.2  countrycode_1.5.0  ggstance_0.3.6    
#>  [5] scales_1.2.1       here_1.0.1         patchwork_1.1.3    kableExtra_1.3.4  
#>  [9] ggnewscale_0.4.9   lubridate_1.9.3    blantyreESBL_1.4.1 stringr_1.5.0     
#> [13] forcats_1.0.0      ggplot2_3.4.3      readr_2.1.4        tidyr_1.3.0       
#> [17] dplyr_1.1.3        phytools_1.9-16    maps_3.4.1         ape_5.7-1         
#> [21] ggtree_3.9.1       tidytree_0.4.5    
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] mnormt_2.1.1            gridExtra_2.3           phangorn_2.11.1        
#>  [4] rlang_1.1.1             magrittr_2.0.3          compiler_4.3.1         
#>  [7] systemfonts_1.0.4       vctrs_0.6.3             combinat_0.0-8         
#> [10] quadprog_1.5-8          rvest_1.0.3             crayon_1.5.2           
#> [13] pkgconfig_2.0.3         fastmap_1.1.1           labeling_0.4.3         
#> [16] utf8_1.2.3              rmarkdown_2.25          tzdb_0.4.0             
#> [19] ragg_1.2.5              bit_4.0.5               purrr_1.0.2            
#> [22] xfun_0.40               cachem_1.0.8            aplot_0.2.2            
#> [25] clusterGeneration_1.3.8 jsonlite_1.8.7          highr_0.10             
#> [28] parallel_4.3.1          R6_2.5.1                RColorBrewer_1.1-3     
#> [31] bslib_0.5.1             stringi_1.7.12          jquerylib_0.1.4        
#> [34] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1     Rcpp_1.0.11             iterators_1.0.14       
#> [37] knitr_1.44              optimParallel_1.0-2     Matrix_1.6-1.1         
#> [40] igraph_1.5.1            timechange_0.2.0        tidyselect_1.2.0       
#> [43] rstudioapi_0.15.0       yaml_2.3.7              doParallel_1.0.17      
#> [46] codetools_0.2-19        lattice_0.21-8          tibble_3.2.1           
#> [49] treeio_1.26.0           withr_2.5.1             coda_0.19-4            
#> [52] evaluate_0.22           gridGraphics_0.5-1      desc_1.4.2             
#> [55] xml2_1.3.5              pillar_1.9.0            foreach_1.5.2          
#> [58] ggfun_0.1.3             generics_0.1.3          vroom_1.6.4            
#> [61] rprojroot_2.0.3         hms_1.1.3               munsell_0.5.0          
#> [64] glue_1.6.2              scatterplot3d_0.3-44    lazyeval_0.2.2         
#> [67] tools_4.3.1             webshot_0.5.5           fs_1.6.3               
#> [70] fastmatch_1.1-4         grid_4.3.1              plotrix_3.8-2          
#> [73] colorspace_2.1-0        nlme_3.1-162            cli_3.6.1              
#> [76] textshaping_0.3.6       fansi_1.0.5             expm_0.999-7           
#> [79] svglite_2.1.2           gtable_0.3.4            yulab.utils_0.1.0      
#> [82] sass_0.4.7              digest_0.6.33           ggplotify_0.1.2        
#> [85] farver_2.1.1            memoise_2.0.1           htmltools_0.5.6.1      
#> [88] pkgdown_2.0.7           lifecycle_1.0.3         httr_1.4.7             
#> [91] bit64_4.0.5             MASS_7.3-60