ART - antiretroviral therapy, CPT = co-trimoxazole preventative therapy
A data frame with 425 rows and 32 variables:
Unique patient identifier
Study arm; 1=sepsis, 2=inpatient, no abx, 3=community
Date of enrolment in study
Age, years, at enrolment
Self reported gender
HIV status
Received antimicrobials (except CPT) last 4wk?
Hospital admission last 4wk?
Ever been treated for TB?
If tbstatus=Yes, currently being treated for TB?
If hivstatus=Reactive, current taking ART?
If currently taking ART, which regimen?
If currently taking ART, months on ART
If hivstatus=Reactive, currently taking CPT?
Currently smokes tobacco
Currently drinks alcohol
Highest education attained
Current employment, if any
Number of adults in participant's household
Number of children in participant's household
Type of toilet in participant's household
Usual household water source for drinking
Is drinking water in the household usually treated?
Electricity available in household?
Usual cooking fuel
Are animals kept in the household?
If animals are kept, are poultry kept?
If animals are kept, are goats kept?
If animals are kept, are dogs kept?
If animals are kept, are cattle kept?
If animals are kept, are sheep kept?
If animals are kept, are mules kept?