Metadata of a global collection of 682 K. pneumoniae complex genomes. 66 genomes from kenya from the Henson et al
A dataframe with 682 rows and 23 variables
unique identifier
ESBL gene present? ESBL= yes, 0 = no
NCBI accession number
study sample was taken from
Source of sample
For human samples, are they carriage or infecting?
Lcoation (global, Kenyan, Malawian)
Multilocus sequence type as determined by ARIBA
K. pnemo complex inferred K locus from Kleborate
Kleborate defined K locus confidence
K. pnemo complex inferred O locus from Kleborate
Kleborate defined O locus confidence
Klebsiella YbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella CbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella AbST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella SmST allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella rmpA allele as per Kleborate
Klebsiella rmpA2 allele as per Kleborate
Presence of yersiniabactin virulence locus (0=absent,1=present)
Presence of colibactin virulence locus (0=absent,1=present)
Presence of aerobactin virulence locus (0=absent,1=present)
Presence of salmochelin virulence locus (0=absent,1=present)
Was sample collected in Malawi (0=no,1=yes)
72 genomes fro Malawi described in Musicha et al
100 genomies from Malawi as described in Cornick et al
288 global genomes from Holt et al